Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed.
PART 3 Markets and Welfare
Chapter 9 of 36 Application: International Trade
Section 1 of 20
Chapter 9 Topics:
The Determinants Of Trade
The Equilibrium Without Trade
The World Price and Comparative Advantage
The Winners And Losers From Trade
The Gains And Losses Of An Exporting Country
Lie Gains And Losses Of An Importing Country
The Effects Of A Tariff
Import Quotas: Another Way To Restrict Trade
The Lessons For Trade Policy
Other Benefits Of International Trade
Should The Winners From Free Trade Compensate The Losers?
The Arguments For Restricting Trade
The Jobs Argument
The National Security Argument
The Infant Industry Argument
The Unfair Competition Argument
The Protection As A Bargaining Chip Argument
Offshore Outsourcing
Trade Agreements And The World Trade Organization
… …
import quotas
yunyū wariate


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