Scot's information:
Weight at 163 pounds, got to 160 pounds five years ago and have recently been bouncing between 163 and 170.
Common sense ways to lose and keep off weight are eat right and light and get lots of exercise.
Main exercise is walking, do 1~2 miles most days.
Over career worked as a salesman in the steelmaking, fasteners, and auto manufacturing industries, lots of travel in U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Japan.
Have visited every U.S. city with a major league, MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, sports team except Sacramento, have gotten as close as Travis Air Force Base.
Often traveled on Sundays, much time on the road so could not eat right and get enough exercise so got heavy, up to 200 lbs.
Was on commission and made enough to retire early, now eat right and light, get enough exercise.
Now am spending most time reading and writing.
Our Wick branch goes back to the brother of owner of the Wick House at Morristown National Historical Park in Morristown New Jersey, and on back to Staines England.
Have lived here in Munster, Indiana since 1985.
Born Montgomery Alabama, 1952.
During youth lived many places including Morocco and Guam, father, Edward, was career Air Force.
He flew B17s over Germany during WWII, was shot down during the September 1943 Stuttgart mission, and spent a couple years as a prisoner of war.
I finished high school at Le Center Minnesota, father's hometown, was a lefty pitcher on the baseball team, got the trophy for most RBIs.
Mother, Helen Widmark, was born and grew up on a farm near Ivanhoe Minnesota.
Served a four-year enlistment in the Air Force, stationed in Japan and Italy.
Learned well the use of the most powerful weapon the world has known.
Saved enough to buy a new Chevy Vega when got out.
Graduated B.S. Business Administration, Mankato State University, took summer classes so could finish in three years.
Met wife Fumiko in Spanish class there.
Her uncle was an executive at a large Japanese movie company.
They spent some time at restaurants and bars in Tokyo’s Ginza district where she met actors and show business people.
She could have gotten help from him if she wanted to try for a career as an actress, but she wasn’t interested.
When younger she was a top javelin thrower and competed for a spot on the Japan Olympics team, but she injured her shoulder and had to quit the sport.
She's a book hound like me.
We have two sons born in the 1980s.
During college was member of the Young Republicans.
Was a delegate to 1976 Minnesota state Republican convention, saw Ronald Reagan speak.
Was asked to stand for the local county Republican chairmanship by the then-chairman with his endorsement, but declined, the levee had been dry - except for Reagan, who lost the nomination to Ford.
During work years graduated MBA De Paul University, weekend and night classes while working.
Along the way earned a “Competent Toastmaster” certificate.
Retired early and accelerated musing and brainstorming, wake at 3:20am, a cup of coffee and lots of water, with mostly classical background music.
With family in downtown Minneapolis
Indiana University Bloomington Sample Gates
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