HAT Manifesto Part 1/3 - Rubric Cube - 240804 revision


“The world we see that seems so insane is the result of a belief system that is not working. To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in our minds.” - William James

“All experience has shown mankind are more disposed to suffer,while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” - Thomas Jefferson

“Wherever good fortune enters, envy lays siege and attacks it. And when it departs, sorrow and repentance remain behind.” - Leonardo da Vinci

“Struggle is the indispensable accompaniment of progress. If men were entirely social, man would stagnate. A certain alloy of individualism and competition is required to make the human species survive and grow. Without qualities of an unsocial kind men might have led an Arcadian shepherd life in complete harmony, contentment, and mutual love. But in that case all their talents would have forever remained hidden in their germ.” - Emmanuel Kant

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” – Winston Churchill

“With very rare and brief exceptions, pre-capitalist societies had no place for the creative power of man’s mind, neither in the creation of ideas nor in the creation of wealth. Reason and its practical expression —free trade— were forbidden as a sin and a crime, or were tolerated, usually as ignoble activities, under the control of authorities who could revoke the tolerance at whim. Such societies were ruled by faith and its practical expression - force. There were no makers of knowledge and no makers of wealth, there were only witch doctors and tribal chiefs.” - Ayn Rand

“Those philosophers who wish to seek out the causes of miracles and to understand the things of nature, and not to stare at them in astonishment like fools, are soon considered heretical and impious and proclaimed as such by those the mob adore. For these men know once ignorance is put aside wonderment would be taken away which is the only means by which their authority is preserved.” - Baruch Spinoza

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Arthur Schopenhauer

You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Joy! Joy!

Oh joy, thou lovely spark of God,

daughter of Elysium.

We enter, drunk with fire.

Immortal goddess, thy holy shrine!

Thy magic doth unite once more

what custom has strictly set asunder.

All men shall be brothers

where thy gentle wing is spread.

Happily, gladly His suns speed

through the glorious plain of heaven.

Brothers, run your course,

joyful as a hero to victory,

brothers, run your course!

- from Friedrich Schiller’s Ode to Joy, set to music in Beethoven’s 9th Symphony

Everyone is good but unfortunately 47.5% are born negative, sing the wrong songs and have bad terms. It’s Satan’s fault not their fault. Dem are good but have bad ideas and terms. Good must defeat bad, Positive God must defeat negative Satan. We All want, or should want, total global peace, prosperity, and happiness. The question be how do We gather All tHAT We can and All go together? Rather than All/oll return to some Old center point We must turn-turn-turn to a New center point. Stranger than now known would be good. God is love’s sweet plan. Change Is Now.
HAT Manifesto part 1 of 3… always some edits…
Rubric Cube Veracity and/or Efficacy Summary
Persiflaging on-sideline-content first-class cast-doer RR jester philosophers lead and fashion public opinion.
Maquillaging on-stage-intent second-class at-rest chatterer politicians concede/ acquiesce to, or at best coalesce, tHAT.
Politicians take advantage of unexplained things, philosophers give advantage by explaining things.
Politicians and those in control move to the center point, philosophers and those out of control move the center point.
Ultimately, soon, with full knowledge on the edges we each choose and the truth is wut or wHAT We believe it to be.

#6 first-class idle time-efficient riley universal-locus far-off corner chiming and rhyming leading Schaffner and succeeding RR Real Republican Schöpfers load-cock-trigger-explode pen-gun unabashedly and bashingly, opine loudly, brashly, boldly n’ abrasively, rock boat vigorously, and economics-educate blatantly, focus being sowing tonic Rubric hatomic philosophy.

This All goading and allowing the #8 second-class busy time-deficient details-entailed Republican politicians to strengthen n maintain their vote-getting by-comparison politics-moderate-smock ad hoc spoken token vision.
Later these be interbreeded with and superseded by the RR Schöpfers.
Then, by dint We see coalescence alliance of All the New now-confident #5 Burbers and #7 former self-doubters.
Don't doubt yourself pal and gal, per song an Old World of wrong has been done to you.

The primary fiend-friend throughout be the wily tribal giggling niggle-howling tHAT-doffing-scoffing #2 omrondle Laughers.
These be supported and endorsed by #3 Hollywooders, who force n enforce dominance of oll schmutzy rut "look and feel good but do blue" lowest common denominator corrupting and bankrupting demon torture culture on All us in U.S. and rest.
Oll this allowing nesting and prevalence of bow-down-to other odd anti-god certain master victimizer wuvver (we’re united victims and victimizers) and Old miss-PIE-protecting #4 DemPols.

Omen now recalling, notion of a U.S. division into two parallel nations…
-Positive republican/capitalist happy New-Age-employ economics-driven
-Negative democrat/socialist misery bandage-enjoy politics-driven
… would be meaningless, bottomless regress.
Jus' as New Americans sang dirge and left many nanny‐tyranny old world countries only to see our own cur 蛇 hebi blue Tory element emerge and now be on-top hegemony, each generation population trends toward and ends with a 50-50 capitalist/socialist persons equalization, so too would occur in a today TexasRealRep‐Republic but tomorrow TexasDealDem‐pathetic.

So... wHAT... from eight dies high… whomever… it be you?... u-r-HATr?... who or what does tHAT does not matter… he/she will at last fall fast and touch down with it: HAT, from or through you #1 downcaster guys.
Some of the lowest grifter zeroes to become one of the highest lifter heroes, per cast, atom split, HATrs turn-turn-turn round squares to his/her/its final victory goal, stunning everyone.
Hey, maleficent 5% shapeless-form gangsters Joe and Cho where you gonna go and wut you gonna do?

We and They feel and see and know just must:
1‐ Evince and convince All happiness-progress‐love 47.5% positives of happiness‐happiness of New HAT result, to dem 47.5% negatives an insult.
Hence All Terr realization finally will be in All nations and then half of universe starting with U.S.:
-global/universal one language speaking… Spanish, French, Japanese or English or any, be from of country that does most to get HAT done … no mo’ set fences-facing
-full libertarian, government-unimpeded, free movement of goods then people, the economists’ dream of total free flow of assets
-overall tax level attacked and backed down to no more than 25%
-HATrs’ turn round squares race to beget universal expanded really real New U.S.A. model… then fun run coast to Citizens Of All States Together COAST

Only We 47.5% positives HATrs guys n gals need feel, believe, understand, accept, endorse, and forcefully apply tHAT positive-negative-quark HATomic philosophy.
The other side’s negatives Laughers/Omrondles, and dem others don’t matter, zei just and must instead do zeir duty and doff n scoff and cry and try for opposite dead Old World zat and to fight to hold zeir ground.
But We must never heed and cry with those other side sour dour musty blues who need us and plead with us to endure and enjoy this or zat dead-head vicarious various vicious notion, nation, religion, culture, same-game and misery-spread-accompany beset blanket/carpet net.
We don’t need nor want dem to join us nor to be gone from us.
Zei be needed, zeir necessary Old role be to fire us and U.S. up, no need for dem to change other than get stronger so We can get stronger.
We must change now and do tHAT, zei only must do more of zeir same zat.
Then - doubt, nyets and wend ended - HAT last our turn to go out into the universe and with Celestial Transcendentalization Activation
-102 New-imbue other planets.

Ever-growing Citizens' Shareholder Dividend guaranteed income, to be distributed to All us from downsized transparent government budget huge surplus resulting from increased population, unrestricted trade and people movement and substantially lower tax rates.
Demand for ever-more CSD forcing guarantee of increasingly smaller efficient/sufficient, non-indulgent government.
Not only those guys with luck should get the big bucks but rather All of us.
The bigger the idle inspiring driving enlivening liberated philosophers and artists pie slice be the better.

We only must insist HAT last those now listless fallow yawning dozing but latent living crazy wild n wacky Schöpfers leaves fall-from-tree and become activist cast-doers.
All those in-there positives who hum n strum their songs n follow pipes and drums be turn-round-squares HATrs, people of the dawn.
Through New wHAT you need to do be thoughts and words and action.
Broadcast and do the cast n counter n out those Old insider-omrondle-Laughers as still lazy n mild n tacky and the DemPols as lame us-blame putting-on game-players.

All Real Republican Schöpfers HATrs then space-race turn round squares and pare‐off an win o’er New good-looking RepPols then silent majority (SIMS) #5 and #7 RepSIMS voters who now be by dem cowed and stand around.
They All finally be New HATrs and soon cast more n deeper foundation ground.

2‐ Then next, before We HAT last be able to force dems’ unsettled certain sitting friend fiend hell-spell downlooking negative King Denizen 無-mu wuvver (Satan) out the door with his suffocating not comfortable, harming not warming, deadly conform-to-misery-norm blankets and carpet from floor, We must shew a few of zat passive front upper left quarter #1 downcasters it’s
true zat too much HAT happiness context insult-result means more not less miserableness for you.
If to you misery be desirable you'll be more miserable with more happy.

HATomic philosophy sthenia cornucopia simply be lief cognition and recognition of and belief in positive-negative duality actuality of such much words and terms as “schadenfreude” “sadism” “masochism” “pessimism” “Marxism” “perversion-fascination” “grinch” “bully” “incredulity” “jabberwocky” “enmity” “melancholy” "jealousy" "rapacity" "calumny" "putridity" “monopoly” "negativity" “hang” “gang” “陰陽.”

3- Lastly, We must believe these a&b&c HATomic philosophy creeds:
a- tHAT 47.5 percent of us positively naturally be and for:
hawkish economics
efficient, economic-growth-accelerating, impressive small government
New Age and happy
新-HATarashii New God-loving
cheery-tunester offering
Real Republicans/capitalists
the world turns All around her
positive -> U.S. is solution -> expansion
instability of justice
Schöpfers and All HATrs turn round squares
Rain of Terr ensues
b- Zat another 47.5 percent negatively naturally be and for
mawkish politics
inefficient, economic-growth-decelerating, oppressive big government
Old age and misery
無-mu zat Old other-wuvver wuvving
weary-tunester scoffing
Deal Democrats/socialists
we’ve All been burned before
negative -> U.S. is problem -> capitulation
stability of injustice
Omrondles and oll miserables afraid of losing zeir ground
Reign of Terror continues
c-A 5% rest now-contained in the U.S. and West nuckelavee shapeless-form blue-goo-glue portion middle section of seemingly non-person, down-looking, kingly, not yet powerful enough, future new-mu communist mafioso politburo… but soon when by We exposed as those tomorrow will be deposed pitiful shadow-chasing clowns.
These quarks now be mostly fed by dem other Old-age #2 and on-stage #4 activist misfits who bow down to these soon-to-be-mostly-upended-suspended-dispatched and on-run criminal gangster mafia Jack n Jill kings n queens with zeir certain owner n wuvver (Satan).
But expect tHAT to survive and thrive most shapeless-forms will be dems-Turn-reps and slide to our side, 47.5% + 4.5% = 52% will be the majority We need.

Per HATomic philosophy due to positive-negative-quark universe-balance architecture of nature dem 47.5% strongly opposing negatives be not evil but good, just sing wrong song and terms.
1-2-3-4 of Cube always be with us, and no chance nor need nor desire to be rid of dem.
We will always know who exactly be of zat other half: simply, oll those opposed to HAT and instead of donning zei doff n scoff.
We don’t want to be rid of dem blues due to We forever especially need to use dem misfit guys to fire and fuel our flames n fits of rage for attaining actual final full change.
So, We really must want to be good friends and dance with Dems, embrace because zei disagree not agree, key for race, dem please We and They and God by pleasing zeir certain other wuvver.
Singing the verse We’ll All go together as combined red + blue purple people to wealth and excess happiness universe, with dem dire but desired negatives fussing, dragging, nagging, dragging down and firing us up forever.

WHAT to do and change now?
1-Increase not decrease populations
In free market capitalist societies people produce more than they consume, these are profits tHAT generate ever-more production, ever more wealth, and ever-higher living standards.
Oll socialists desire a smaller population which be poorer and easier to keep under thumb on floor.
Zat anti-happy pro-misery goal fundamentally be the real thought or felt reason among dem omrondles for zeir anti-dance, anti-chance, anti-small-faces-joy choice stance.
2-Substantially lower all taxes 25% or more
This will create budget deficits in the short run but in the short run and long run will result in a boom economy and in the long run generate huge budget surpluses to be mostly paid out as CSD Citizens’ Shareholder Dividends to All us.
3-Unilaterally open the U.S. to unrestricted imports
Increased imports result is the same result as from technological advances (more quantity and variety, lower prices) and is the same as among our current 50 states.
As U.S. living standards zoom up energized pro-happy Citizens Of All States Together around the world will thereafter force their governments to make the same change.
4-Turn to and ring HATtrack/Deism chimes
HAT totality summary be: positive-negative-quark HATomic philosophy, micro-government libertarianism, Citizens’ Shareholder Dividend guaranteed millions of dollars income, and direct god-worship HATtrack deism.

We and They see and know All tHAT and your own book of love show and explain to All us in U.S. 5-6-7-8 HATrs from back to front and side to side in there on Earth and out here thru universe the ageless misery‐Old‐goal sour‐rot soporific choplogic of zat on-top off-track lot's elitist socialist conformist regressive "progressive" thought-curse dream-nightmare.
However, oll dem forever provide on-track train-to-coast logical and fun veracity and/or efficacy justification for our side Schöpfers' New‐World‐ought Old‐World‐naught move‐tracing‐sun remove-facing‐fences run-their-course social and psychological violence.
Positive Intergalactic Energy war rage, not military war wage, now be needed for final change, charge, and victory.

All rising Call-To-Action from deep foundation libertarian-HATomic philosophy-deist We RR Real Republican New World Party Schöpfers and HATrs drunk with fire shout bye-bye to fear, doubt, and missing American PIE.
We climb stairs, race round squares, then fly tHAT PIE desiderhatum ship up into New and blue places in there then celebrate out here in space.
We C They All Call-To-Action Celestial Transcendentalization Activation
CTA 102 run o’er to C-O-A-S-T, sing the verse, then go out into universe and permeate American Positive Intergalactic Energy.
Dem socialist Old World Party members and leaders who say “nyet” “fie to American PIE” “but-but-but-but-but,” “if-if-if-if-if,” “no-no-no-no-no” to tHAT, are not yet igniting and providing desired supply of inspirational fire, and still be...
so dull and so boring so dull and so boring so dull and so boring
so dull and so boring so dull and so boring so dull and so boring
so dull and so boring so dull and so boring so dull and so boring
so dull and so boring so dull and so boring so dull and so boring
so dull and so boring so dull and so boring so dull and so boring
so dull and so boring so dull and so boring so dull and so boring
so dull and so boring…
Logical and spiritual, literal with liturgical.
Current Old and church bells-broken mainstream religions might seem non-efficacious.
But these fundamentally teach us philosophy needn’t be completely nor even nearly logical and reasonable, as HAT might at first light seem to be.
They preach wHATever We believe to be true is true, assume often as good as or better than proof, wHATever reality We believe to be real is really real, our faith is the faith, our church is tHAT church.
On own Deism realism is too true to be New, sterile not fertile, but in combination with HAT tHAT is God’s salvation.
Music, art, love, faith, dreams, myths, and religion teach and preach ignited “unreasonable” passion emboldens action above reason and tHAT is God is love’s sweet plan.
Odd and stranger than known would be good.
Change is now.

Link to Amazon Music HAT soundtrack songs:
00 Batch | Community Playlist on Amazon Music Unlimited

HAT book soundtrack, mostly The Byrds and Bob Dylan songs:
Thoughts and Words
wHAT's Happening?!?!
Change Is Now
The Times They Are A-Changin’
It's All Over Now Baby Blue
I’ll Feel A Whole Lot Better
Lady Friend

John Riley
Mr. Spaceman
Mr. Tambourine Man
Pride of Princes Street Drum Fanfare & Highland Schottische
You Bowed Down – Roger McGuinn
The World Turns All Around Her

Lay Down Your Weary Tune
5D Fifth Dimension
Don’t Doubt Yourself Babe
The Bells of Rhymney
I Come And Stand At Every Door
Eight Miles [dies] High
Hey Joe (Where You Gonna Go?)

Everybody’s Been Burned
Spanish Harlem Incident
I See You
All I Really Want To Do
Chimes of Freedom
Mind Gardens
Rain - Beatles
Wild Mountain Thyme

Wait and See
My Back Pages
Old John Robertson
She Don’t Care About Time (Grip Weeds cover of Byrds song)
Space Odyssey
American Pie - Don McLean
Rubric Cube Veracity and/or Efficacy Summary is evolved from a four-book brainstorm “novel” “Diary of a HAT Wearer” written starting in the 1990s.
It's the expanded first Forward section of the Hence All Terr third book presented as written by character Dean Smith.
This #1 Rubric Cube and companion #2 Hypothesis and Novel Summary in the end might be the final cut of the novel, constant editing going on and these say it All, don’t need a dull full-length novel.
They’re alive, every day being written and edited and embellished with daily online posts.
This musing is all an attempt at direction, deflection, hyperbole, irony and satire, thinking in and writing from a far-off corner perspective, hopefully stimulating and humorous at times.
Personally agree with All the “Real Republican” beliefs, but it’s mostly written just in jest, how could tHAT happen? But hope so.
The whole thing takes place on a different planet “Tenalp” thousands of years in the future, millions of years in the past, and billions of miles from here, though it seems to be written, read, and wHAT’s happening on Earth now.
Secondary character James Telling finally writes the poem “American Pie” on his death bed.
“Hence All Terr” is unscrambled from “Terrence Hall” written by We following They on (then soon flew on venture to moon with We to see They) Dean’s office/bedroom window.
“Small faces” are the unborn.
Having fun writing and editing HAT, jest a novel.
… …

Picture 240815
Cooling off after exercise, weight at 163 pounds.
Got to 160 pounds five years ago and have been bouncing between 157 and 166 since.
Common sense ways to lose and keep off weight are eat right and light and get lots of exercise.
Main exercise is walking, do 1~2 miles most days.
Over career worked as a salesman in the steelmaking, fasteners, and auto manufacturing industries, lots of travel in U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Japan.
Over the years have visited every U.S. city with a major league, MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, sports team except Sacramento, have gotten as close as Travis Air Force Base.
Often traveled on Sundays, much time on the road so could not eat right and get enough exercise so got heavy, up to 200 lbs.
Was on commission and made enough to retire early, eat right and light, get enough exercise, and now spending most time reading and writing.
Our Wick branch goes back to the brother of owner of Wick House in Morristown New Jersey and on back to Staines England.
Have lived here in Munster, Indiana for over thirty years.
Born Montgomery Alabama, 1952.
During youth lived many places including Morocco and Guam, father was career Air Force.
Finished high school Le Center Minnesota, father's hometown, was a lefty pitcher on the baseball team, got trophy for most RBIs.
Mother, Helen Widmark, was born and grew up on a farm near Ivanhoe Minnesota.
Served a four year enlistment in the Air Force, stationed in Japan and Italy.
Learned well the use of the most powerful weapon the world has known.
Saved enough to buy a new Chevy Vega when got out.
Graduated B.S. Business Administration, Mankato State University, took summer classes so could finish in three years.
Met wife Fumiko in Spanish class there.
We have two sons born in the 1980s.
During college was member of the Young Republicans.
Was a delegate to 1976 Minnesota state Republican convention, saw Ronald Reagan speak.
Was asked to stand for the local county Republican chairmanship by the then-chairman with his endorsement, but declined, the levee had been dry (except for Reagan, who lost the nomination to Ford).
During work years graduated MBA De Paul University, weekend and night classes as worked and traveled weekdays.
Along the way earned a “Competent Toastmaster” certificate.
Retired early and accelerated musing and brainstorming, wake at 3:20am, a cup of coffee and lots of water, with background music mostly classical.


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