Review of The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism's Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration. Paul Kengor. 2020. Kindle online sample. Section 1.

From introduction:

Two decades after the publication of The Black Book of Communism [Jean-Louis Panné et al., 1999] , nearly everyone is or at least should be, aware of the immense evil produced by that devilish ideology first hatched when Karl Marx penned his Communist Manifesto two centuries ago.

Well before Karl Marx was writing about the hell of communism, he was writing about hell.

“Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited, I know it full well,” he wrote in a poem in 1837, a decade before his Manifesto.

“My soul, once true to God, is chosen for Hell.”

That certainly seemed to be the perverse destiny for Marx’s ideology, which consigned to death over 100 million souls in the twentieth century alone.

No other theory in all of history has led to the deaths of so many innocents. How could the Father of Lies not be involved?

In this book by Professor Paul Kengor, is a close, careful look at the diabolical side of Karl Marx, a side of a man whose fascination with the devil and his domain would echo into the twentieth century and continue to wreak havoc today.

It is a tragic portrait of a man and an ideology, a chilling retrospective on an evil that should have never been let out of its pit.


From book sample:

Forward by Michael Knowles:

Ronald Reagan described a communist as one who reads Karl Marx and an anti-communist as one who understands Karl Marx.

Conservatives in the decades since Reagan won the Cold War have begun to forget just what makes Marxism so wrong.

Their failure to articulate Marx’s fatal flaw has left an entire generation prey to the deadliest ideology in history, imperiling not only minds but also souls.

The majority of young Americans today hold a favorable view of socialism, according to a 2018 Gallup poll.

Socialism is on the rise more than three decades after conservatives thought it had died in the rubble of the Berlin Wall.

In just the past few years, admitted socialists have won elected office throughout the country, from the local to the national level.

They have succeeded because, while conservatives have blabbered themselves hoarse denouncing the economic effects of socialism, they have ignored the deeper spiritual questions that actually move men’s souls.

That is why this book could not be published at a more opportune time.

Karl Marx envisioned a merely material world in which religion is “the opium of the people” and nothing matters but matter.

Rather than question this false vision—indeed, our ability to question anything at all dispels it—many conservatives have contented themselves to debate Marx on his own materialist terms.

“Socialism destroys economies,” they observe.

Then, “Socialism distorts markets.”

And finally, “Socialism just doesn’t work.”

But whether or not a political system “works” depends on what it’s working toward.

Socialism strives to tear down traditional society.

At that task, socialism has succeeded everywhere it has been tried, at least for a time.

The problem with socialism isn’t the inefficiency; it’s the evil.

Marx did not set out to tinker with markets and redistribute some wealth.

He sought to radically transform society by changing human nature.

Marx hated religion because he opposed God, the author of human nature.

Marx sided with Satan, as he confessed in letters and ghoulish poetry quoted in these pages.

Ex-communists such as Arthur Koestler and Richard Wright came to call Marxism “the god that failed.”

Karl Marx erred not through mere miscalculation but through sin and heresy.

Unfortunately, the same softening on Marxism that took place in the realm of politics infected the Church as well, at times through misunderstanding and at others through outright infiltration.

The Church has condemned Marxism since the mid-nineteenth century.

Yet in 2019 the leading Jesuit periodical in the United States published “The Catholic Case for Communism.”

Pope Francis has refused to count himself among Marx’s followers.

“Marxist ideology is wrong,” he affirmed flatly in 2013.

Francis’s predecessors spoke even more forcefully against communism in years past.

“Religious socialism, Christian socialism, are contradictory terms.

No one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist,” declared Pope Pius XI, who considered socialism “irreconcilable with Christianity.”

His predecessor Pope Leo XIII condemned socialists as “a wicked confederacy,” “a pest,” a plague,” “a hideous monster … that threatens civil society with destruction,” and “an evil growth” that attempts to “steal the very Gospel itself with a view to deceive more easily the unwary.”

Pope Pius IX, writing even before Marx, decried communism and socialism with the same vigor.

Ultimately the fight comes down to spiritual warfare: good versus evil.

In his most famous Cold War speech, Ronald Reagan, quoting Winston Churchill, warned, “The destiny of man is not measured by material computations. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we’re spirits, not animals.”

Spirits must choose a side.

Euphoria at the fall of the Berlin Wall made utopians of otherwise hard-nosed conservatives, who declared “the end of history as such,” ironically echoing the grandiose rhetoric and barmy theories of the ideologue they claimed to have defeated.

But history did not end.

If anything, it has begun to repeat itself, “first as tragedy, then as farce,” just as Marx predicted in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon.

The Evil Empire collapsed, but evil spirits continue to prowl about the earth seeking the ruin of souls because we contend in the end not against flesh and blood but “against the spirits of wickedness in the high places,” which will endure until the end of the world.

In the meantime, we must know our enemy.

In The Devil and Karl Marx, Paul Kengor masterfully helps us to do so.

(end of section 1)


Section 1 240703
“Marx sided with Satan, as he confessed in letters and ghoulish poetry.”
“Ultimately the fight comes down to spiritual warfare: good versus evil.”
(always some edits…)
Per HATomic philosophy and universe reality here and everywhere 47.5% of us are electron negatives, 47.5% are proton positives, and 5% are quark shapeless-forms.
It's becoming ever-more plain to see although dem 47.5% U.S. socialists are currently only demi-commies, zei be natural potential latent nascent 100% full-commies.
If dem had total government and social control, as zeir brethren negatives + shapeless forms mafia do in Kim-North Korea, the U.S. would be a totally poisoned communist prison country like KNK.
Dem socialist Marxist negative misery-wuvvers (we’re united victims and victimizers) know the fatal flaw weakness of We 47.5% Real Republican positive happy-lovers: We predictably keep thinking “everybody fundamentally wants happy, everything will be fine, so go along to get along.”
Once We accept the HATomic philosophy reality zat dem dem-commie negatives actually, consciously and/or subconsciously, want misery not happy then All We be free and energized to act and (physically peacefully) attack dem socialists.

In dem negatives socialists’ minds zeir major failure always has been zei have failed to cement zeir dead old world Marxist socialism/misery government-punish-All somewhere then finally spread everywhere around globe.
But, omen now recalling, We and They and you see and know there in fact be a somewhere here and now: Kim-North Korea.
Dem demi-commie negative misery-wuvving socialists know zei need not try to force full Marxism/ socialism here, zeir ploy be only need to distract, soften, weaken, corrupt, bankrupt, rot, strip souls and hollow out minds of Americans.
Then, with We wokened and broken XiChina will be let in by dem and allowed to catch and pass us and then subdue and undo kowtowing U.S. and All us.

Mao crashed and burned trying to Bolshevik-credo go directly to actual All-in-prison or dead misery-control final goal of Communism.
Zat worked brilliantly within China, increasing the amount of misery and starved-to-death dead exponentially, but China was left too weak to spread misery globally.
Following fellow but smarter quark shapeless-form mafioso Deng per Menshevism-credo decided to strengthen China’s economy (not to improve the welfare of the Chinese people, which had to happen incidentally) to increase the power and lethality of the CCP.
The current Xi-CCP knows improving the welfare of the Chinese people helps only up to a point, so now be the time to quickly proceed with “Communism” (tyranny of misery) spread.
China’s still mostly standing-around and losing ground New worlder 47.5% positive happy-lovers are awakening, changing and demanding freedom and end of kingdom.
But Xi-China’s in-command dead Old worlder 47.5% negative misery-wuvver-laughers omrondles-enablers know the best defense against happy be Xi's offense.
China’s negatives be demanding more CCP-supplied freedom-denied misery and zat anti-tHAT tyranny strengthened there and finally spread to here and everywhere.
Then, down-looking king of XiChina teamed with dem U.S. corrupting bankrupting negative socialists, without a fight can easily take U.S. and All positives down with dem to zeir final pernicious delicious dream goal: imposition of the adored, protected, and coddled communist model Kim-North Korea on China, America, Earth and universe.
In Kim-North Korea zeir own Satan-side misery-wuvver 47.5% negatives + 5% quark shapeless-form mafias have overpowered, subsumed and doomed zeir our God-side 47.5% positives and assumed total control with All We people-in-prison with dem, blanketed-over and carpeted-down by full misery-equity Marxism-socialism.

Then soon, oll dem compliant 47.5% negatives will become jealous of All We 47.5% positive happy-lovers who have been locked up in completely miserable fenced-in hard prison gulags, where We All can be expertly tortured and laughingly and slowly starved to death.
The completely miserable hard prison camps being much more miserable than zeir own KNK-style incompletely miserable country-wide soft prison, seeking full misery eventually oll dem 47.5% misery-wuvvers one by one intentionally break one of the dictators' strict dictates, e.g. "always cower and never dare to question the Party’s power and political agenda propaganda," to get into with We the completely-miserable All starving-to-death torture camps.
Then, as We and They have seen out there in universe and know by zei-planned soon here, thereafter the 5% shapeless-forms mafia politburo prison tenders still residing outside the starvation camps then soon turn on each other and demselves.
Each of dem endeavors to prove he/she/zei be the most misery-wuvving and zei too break rules and thereby are corralled into the gulags, willingly dooming demselves to being starved and bodies discarded.

Finally only one entity remains outside looking in and down.
It be zeir revered and our reviled only one top true hebi 蛇-blue core quark no-longer-hidden shapeless-form misery-wuvver laughing-with-delight downlooking evil sage king devil revealed, seen on stage standing over oll: nuckelavee Satan.
“Ha! Now just must finish up by barrenizing Earth and leave only windswept dust, it's been fun, oll zei and evil have won. All them We have flailed and failed again.
Hey, They! please return to see."

But, sorry Satan, things zat seem to be solid are not.
We Real Reps HATrs Schöpfers soon will change and awaken, step up, run and turn round squares, and save ourselves from dem, dem from demselves, America, China and All Earth from Marx/Mao/CCP/Xi devil, mirth will defeat dearth.
We’ll employ psychological attacks but no physical attacks not even against the 5% actual and potential Communist Party members shapeless-forms who will naturally over time slide to our side to survive and thrive.
Then as (47.5% red + 47.5% blue =) purple people friends We’ll All go together to full wealthy and happy Joy, with dem blues fussing, nagging, dragging down and firing us up forever.
And then when having too much wealth for All becomes a big problem We’ll go out into the universe and spread tHAT verse.

All tHAT above veracity and/or efficacy meant only for Real Republicans, non-HATrs please ignore, or doff and scoff.
… …
(The Byrds songs It’s All Over Now Baby Blue, Eight Miles High, C.T.A.-102, Change Is Now)


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