Capitalism Does Not Exploit Workers, Rather Government Does

First, watch this six-minute video: “Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?”
From notes under video:
The idea capitalism exploits workers stems from Karl Marx's work in the late 1800s.
Although the definition of "exploitation" has changed since then, many still believe capitalist systems take advantage of vulnerable workers.
Prof. Matt Zwolinski in the video explains why capitalism actually tends to protect workers' interests.
Zwolinski contends even if capitalism was exploitative, increasing political regulation and control would actually make the problem worse.
Increases in government size and power make citizens more vulnerable to the state.
Political officials are tempted to exploit this vulnerability for the benefit of the politically well-connected.
Unlike free market transactions, which are mutually beneficial, when politics is involved one party's gain usually comes at someone else's expense.
“We need to ask ourselves, if we really want to reduce the amount of exploitation, is increasing the power of the state really the best way to do it?”
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