Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed.
PART 4 The Economics of the Public Sector
Chapter 12 of 36 The Design of the Tax System
Section 7 of 22
Total spending was $2,730 billion, or $9,040 per person on average.
Social Security is largest spending category, this is mostly transfer payments to those age 62 and up.
A transfer payment is a government transfer of money, as opposed to a government payment made in exchange for a good or service.
National defense is the second largest category, including military personnel salaries and purchases of military equipment.
Defense spending rose from 17% to 20% from 2001 to 2007, in part because of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Medicare is the federal government's healthcare insurance program for those age 65 and up.
Income security, transfer payments to poor families, programs include
· Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), often called welfare
· the vouchers for buying food
· child tax credit
· housing assistance
Health, is other health spending, including
· Medicaid, the federal health insurance program for the poor
· spending on medical research, such as by the National Institutes of Health
Net interest, interest payments to those who own U.S. government bonds.
When someone borrows from a bank, the borrower must pay interest on the loan.
The same is true when the government borrows from the public through sales of bonds.
The "other" category covers many less expensive functions of government, including
· salaries of federal government employees including members of Congress and the president
· the federal court system
· the space program
· farm support programs
Total spending of the federal government in 2007 was $2,730 billion compared to tax revenues of $2,568.
Spending was more than revenue by $162 billion.
The government finances a budget deficit by borrowing from the public though selling bonds.
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budget deficit and surplus
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