The most annoying Democrat partisan line is their incessant assertion that Trump’s pro-private sector economic growth and tax reduction policies are “for the rich.” This is totally false. It is only true because the poor don’t pay taxes at all. Everyone benefits from tax reduction. And government doesn’t spend well so it is best for the private sector to make the contracts and do the spending in the economy, since they at least monitor what they’re spending. The US government is riddled with shocking waste, fraud and abuse, and it ought to have radically downsized 40 years ago. Instead it did the opposite, possibly due to the communist subversion of which McCarthy warned. He was truthful, and the release of the Venona decryption transcripts later showed that. Nixon’s spurt of bipartisanship with the Democratic Party’s hidden socialist agenda was a massive failure, producing only a huge albatross of government sinecures for the insecure and not particularly talented. Like Anthony Fauci. Where many became monsters. Building a vast, corrupt nomenklatura as the USSR fell. And apparently moved here.

Me - Going back and forth between Republican Lynn Chu and Democrat Kate Tsubata is educating and entertaining.


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