Today's HAT Manifesto Part 3/3 edit section:
Quote from article above “China’s objective is to destroy the United States .”
In the 1960s Mao crashed and burned trying to Bolshevik-style go directly to actual his boss Satan’s desired Kim-North Korea model All-in-prison total-misery-control actual final goal of Communism first in China then entire world.
Current XiChina has the same end goal, but knows it will only happen using Menshevik-style go slow.
Deng Xiaoping and fellow Old China politburo mafioso in the 1970s realized his ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dictatorship must fortify itself, strengthen its grip and pour a strong foundation before it can attack and blanket itself fully over China, and then project zat oll over the U.S. and All Earth.
Monopolist Communist quark shapeless-form Deng and underlings wanted to strengthen China’s economy not to improve the welfare of the Chinese people, which had to happen incidentally, but rather to increase zeir power and hold on Chinese people of the CCP politburo and lacky Omrondles.
The current Xi-CCPChina now knows improving the welfare of the Chinese people helps only up to a point, so now be the time to more rapidly proceed.
China’s still mostly standing-around New worlder 47.5% positive happy-lovers are awakening and demanding more freedom and less kingdom.
But the CCP’s China in-command dead Old worlder 47.5% negative misery-wuvver-laughers-Omrondles enablers know the best defense be Xi's offense.
China’s negatives demand more CCP-supplied freedom-denied misery and anti-HAT Zat strengthened there and finally spread to here and everywhere.
But, per Hence All Terr, there Be Y RoaDS.
Sorry to oll dem 47.5% socialists and 5% shapeless forms in China, North Korea, U.N., U.S., and everywhere, We and They know you will not win.
In-there people of the dawn Schöpfer HATrs drunk with your provided fire will soon sing verse and with fun turn round squares and run their course.
Oll Zat will be undone and done and it, tHAT, will be All over now 蛇 hebi blue.
Your adored dour blanketing over and carpeting-down downlooking king-wuvver Satan by We, They, schaffner Gòtt, and Real Republican schöpfers will be got, defeated, sunk, upended, suspended, ended and walked out the door.
Fundamentally, oll negatives want We to be doomed and consumed by misery like dem, All positives want dem to be happy like We.
So, finally, naturally, We will ascend to victory because if zei are happy with misery zei will be miserable with happy.
Then as red/blue mixed purple people friends we’ll All go together.
Stranger than now known would be good.
(The Byrds/Bob Dylan songs It’s All Over Now Baby Blue, All I Really Want To Do)


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