The dem socialists have become much less dull and boring… thinking of a list of things to do in reaction to the Trump’s conviction:
-be fired up not mired down
-vote for Trump and All Republicans
-donate to Trump and All Republicans
-attend Trump and All Republican rallies
-boycott NY especially NYC, avoid going there
-move out of NY state if have been contemplating, let the Dems have and pay for zeir degrowth communism paradise
-boycott DC
-move out of the DC area if have been contemplating
-boycott Hollywood, read more and watch TV and movies less, dem socialists want We to be in a state of negative and passive neurosis and stupor
-protest but avoid physical violence, obey laws, cooperate with the police
-if now on the edges become a Republican
-keep repeating facts of trial
-be friendly with but avoid Dems


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