From article Blood Money’: The Secret Chinese Military ‘Disintegration Warfare’ Manifesto to Rip America Apart Using Drugs, Social Chaos, and More. Kristina Wong. February 28, 2024.
Fentanyl is the #1 cause of death for Americans age 18 to 45.
A new book by Breitbart News Senior Contributor Peter Schweizer - Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans –
reveals how THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT IS USING DRUGS, SOCIAL CHAOS, AND OTHER MEANS TO TEAR APART THE SOCIAL FABRIC OF THE UNITED STATES and wage war against America without firing a shot, as part of a “Disintegration Warfare” strategy outlined in an obscure manifesto.
The book exposes this strategy, which the Chinese military outlined in a 2010 book entitled Disintegration Warfare.
The strategy is based on ancient Chinese strategist and general Sun Tzu’s Art of War, a guide on how to subdue an enemy without fighting.
Schweizer writes:
In keeping with this approach, in the Chinese leaders’ words—CHINA’S OFFICIAL MILITARY STRATEGY FOCUSES ON GOING AFTER THE UNITED STATES’ “‘SOFT UNDERBELLY’ in terms of politics, economics, and the spirit and psychology of [its] people.” Chinese leaders have coined new terms such as “unrestricted warfare” and “disintegration warfare” to describe Sun Tzu’s old strategy of winning without fighting.
Schweizer notes the lethal consequences the strategy has already taken in the U.S. in the form of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF AMERICAN DEATHS IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS ALONE — a greater amount than casualties from any war in the past 50 years and “mounting daily.”
“It is a complex strategy, a hydra of drugs, disease, propaganda, and illicit pistol parts, each contributing to social chaos and killing Americans,” he writes.
Schweizer reveals in the 1990s, two senior Chinese military officers analyzed the power of the U.S. military extensively and concluded it was futile for Beijing to try to match it, so instead THE CHINESE GENERALS RECOMMENDED DEPLOYING A “SERIES OF NONMILITARY WEAPONS” THAT WOULD “REIMAGINE THE TOOLS OF WARFARE AND REDEFINE THE BATTLEFIELD” with “out of the box” strategies.
Schweizer writes one of those strategies was using illegal drugs as “drug warfare.”
Drug warfare had “special resonance” among Chinese leaders, due to the nineteenth-century Opium Wars inflicted on Imperial China by British merchants, he writes.
Communist Chinese officials today believe the opium trade was an attack on its economy, which went from the largest in the world to being “on its last legs,” as Schweizer details.
“From the perspective of President Xi and the Communist Party, what better means of rising to power and avenging the Opium Wars than by turning the tables against the Western world that it blames?”
Today, Beijing’s hand can be found in every stage of the deadly spread of fentanyl in North America, Schweizer finds.
CHINA IS NOT ONLY EXPORTING THE PRECURSOR CHEMICALS FOR FENTANYL, BUT IT IS ALSO PRODUCING THOSE CHEMICALS, CREATING FENTANYL and counterfeit pills in Mexico and the U.S., distributing the drug within the U.S., facilitating drug cartel financial transactions and money laundering, and facilitating the communication networks used by the cartels to operate in the U.S. without detection, he writes.
“And consistent with military escalation, there are plans to deploy even more potent drugs as weapons,” he adds.
Schweizer writes FENTANYL IS NOW THE LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH OF AMERICANS UNDER THE AGE OF 45, adding it has killed more Americans in a single year than were killed in the atomic bombing of Nagasaki.
But drug warfare is only one part of the strategy to take down America.
Another part is fueling social chaos using radical proxy groups within the U.S., Schweizer writes.
A 2020 Chinese military report obtained by the author reveals BEIJING SEES THE U.S.’s MOUNTING SOCIAL CHAOS AND DIVISION AS A NATIONAL WEAKNESS, noting “the intensifying political rivalry is depleting the energy of the U.S.”
Schweizer reveals in order to stoke further social chaos and division in America, CHINA UTILIZES, SUPPORTS, AND FUNDS MULTIPLE FAR-LEFT GROUPS WITHIN THE U.S. who stoke violence and racial tensions.
These groups meet with Chinese Communist Party officials, are tracked by Chinese Communist intelligence, promoted by Chinese state media, and receive funding from China.
Schweizer notes as drug warfare, social chaos, and other weapons are being deployed against the U.S., leaders in Washington are largely standing by.
“Perhaps even more shocking than Beijing’s aggressions toward us has been the willful blindness of our political leaders.
Schweizer highlights two big reasons: corruption and convenience.
But, he adds, some are ignoring China’s actions out of convenience.
He writes:
A more complex part of the answer is ACKNOWLEDGING THE TRUTH OF WHAT CHINA IS DOING WOULD REQUIRE OUR LEADERS TO ACCEPT A PROFOUND PARADIGM SHIFT and would force extremely difficult choices that would also dramatically disrupt the lives and livelihoods of elites from Silicon Valley to Wall Street.
Those who benefit from partnerships with Chinese government–linked companies very often finance the campaigns of our political leaders.
Some are perhaps truly ignorant of China’s actions and intent, but MOST ARE AWARE OF WHAT CHINA IS DOING AND HAVE CHOSEN THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE, preferring the safe predictability of their ambivalence to the vigorous work of countering those bent on our destruction.
Schweizer says “Compromised by commercial opportunities that benefit them or their close allies and hiding behind the excuse of not wanting to ‘disrupt’ the US-China relationship, THE POLITICIANS WHO ACQUIESCE TO CHINA’S CRIMES EFFECTIVELY ALLOW OPEN SEASON ON AMERICANS AND SABOTAGE OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS.”
(end of article)
… …
“From the perspective of President Xi and the Communist Party, what better means of rising to power and avenging the Opium Wars than by turning the tables against the Western world that it blames? Today, Beijing’s hand can be found in every stage of the deadly spread of fentanyl in North America”
This is an attempted self-convincing excuse for attacking the U.S. founded on false knowledge and interpretation of actual history.
The U.S. did many things to help the development of China, as detailed in the book “The Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom: America and China, 1776 to the Present,” am sure this book is banned in XiChina.
The big unforgivable crime CCP-China feels the U.S. committed against China was its support of the Nationalists’ fight against the Communist takeover.
CCP-China has since erased from history all the helpful actions the U.S. took for China in prior years.
Did the U.S. oppose the British supplying opium in China?
Yes, there were voices within the United States that opposed the British supplying opium in China. American missionaries, diplomats, and some politicians were critical of the opium trade and its detrimental effects on Chinese society. These individuals raised concerns about the moral implications of the trade, as well as its impact on China's social stability and the health of its population.
American missionaries in China, such as the Reverend Dr. Peter Parker, were among the most vocal critics of the opium trade. They witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of opium addiction on Chinese communities and actively campaigned against its use.
Additionally, some American diplomats, including Caleb Cushing, who served as the first American envoy to China, expressed reservations about the opium trade and its consequences.
However, the U.S. government did not take significant diplomatic or military action against the British opium trade in China, as it had its own economic interests in the region and did not want to jeopardize diplomatic relations with Britain.
What did the U.S. do to help China before the communist takeover?
Before the communist takeover of China in 1949, the United States engaged with China in various ways, offering assistance in different forms:
Diplomatic Relations:
The United States maintained diplomatic relations with China, supporting China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Diplomatic missions were exchanged, and agreements were made to establish and maintain relations.
Economic Aid:
The U.S. provided economic aid and financial support to China, particularly during periods of crisis or instability.
This aid included loans, grants, and technical assistance to support China's economic development and modernization efforts.
Military Assistance:
The United States provided military assistance to China, particularly during World War II when China was fighting against Japanese aggression.
The U.S. “Fighting Tigers” aerial attacks against Japanese forces in China is one example of direct military support.
The U.S. also supplied military equipment, training, and logistical support to Chinese forces.
Cultural and Educational Exchange:
There were cultural and educational exchange programs between the United States and China, aimed at fostering mutual understanding and cooperation between the two countries.
This included academic exchanges, scholarships, and cultural initiatives.
Support for Nationalist Government:
The United States supported the Nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek in its efforts to govern China and combat both Japanese aggression and communist insurgency.
This support included military aid, diplomatic backing, and economic assistance.
Overall, the United States sought to engage with China and support its development and stability before the communist takeover.
However, the effectiveness and impact of U.S. assistance varied over time, influenced by changing political dynamics in both countries and broader geopolitical considerations.
“China utilizes, supports, and funds multiple far-left groups within the U.S. who stoke violence and racial tensions.”
“Beijing sees the U.S.’s mounting social chaos and division as a national weakness, noting “the intensifying political rivalry is depleting the energy of the U.S.’”
To dem socialists here and everywhere socialism’s past success has been zat always brings more misery.
To socialists socialism’s past failure has been it has not yet been able to blanket over, carpet down, cement and spread over Earth zeir deadhead, negative anti-Gott/HAT certain-other-wuvver’s (Satan’s) completely awful, misery rot.
Dem know zei don’t have to spread blanket and nail carpet here by our own internal 50% demi -cum- full-commies, just strengthen Xi-CCP-China and weaken U.S. enough to enable dem external communists to enter our softened, pliable yawning maw and do zat for dem.
But, too bad for dem, tHAT’s All over now you hebi 蛇 blues.
(The Byrds song It’s All Over Now Baby Blue)


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