Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed.
PART 13 Final Thoughts
Chapter 36 of 36 Five Debates over Macroeconomics Policy
Section 2 of 15
Every day on TV, online or at other sources we can find politicians and opinion writers advocating changes in economic policy, for example:
· the president should or should not raise taxes to reduce the budget deficit
· the Federal Reserve should or should not cut interest rates to stimulate a slow economy
· Congress should or should not reform the tax system to promote faster economic growth
Such economic issues are central in the continuing political debates in the United States and all countries.
This final chapter considers five classic macroeconomic policy questions.
Economists have long debated these questions, and the debates will likely continue indefinitely.
The knowledge you’ve accumulated up to here has provided background with which we can discuss these important issues.
The five debates over macroeconomic policy reviewed this chapter:
1· should monetary and fiscal policymakers try to stabilize the economy?
2· should monetary policy be made by rule rather than by discretion?
3· should the central bank aim for zero inflation?
4· should the government balance its budget?
5· should the tax laws be reformed to encourage saving?
five debates about macroeconomic policy
makuro keizai seisaku, ni tsuite go tōron
マクロ 経済 政策, に ついて 五 討論


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