Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed.
PART 13 Final Thoughts
Chapter 36 of 36 Five Debates over Macroeconomics Policy
Section 1 of 15
Chapter 36 - Topics
Should Monetary and Fiscal Policymakers try To Stabilize the Economy?
Pro: Policymakers Should Try To Stabilize the Economy
Con: Policymakers Should Not Try To Stabilize the Economy
Should Monetary Policy Be Made By Rule Rather Than By Discretion?
Pro: Monetary Policy Should Be Made By Rule
Con: Monetary Policy Should Not Be Made By Rule
Inflation Targeting
Should the Central Bank Aim For Zero Inflation?
Pro: The Central Bank Should Aim For Zero Inflation
Con: The Central Bank Should Not Aim For Zero Inflation
Should the Government Balance Its Budget?
Pro: The Government Should Balance Its Budget
Con: The Government Should Not Balance Its Budget
Dealing With Deficits
Should the Tax Laws Be Reformed To Encourage Saving?
Pro: The Tax Laws Should Be Reformed To Encourage Saving
Con: The Tax Laws Should Not Be Reformed To Encourage Saving
five debates about macroeconomics policy
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