From Bully of Asia: Why China's Dream is the New Threat to World Order. Steven Mosher. 2017. Kindle online sample. Section 8.
The Chinese mandarinate, selected on the basis of competitive examinations which tested their knowledge of the Confucian classics, embodied this sense of cultural superiority.
There was no more polarizing distinction in the Chinese worldview than that between the Sinified (Chinese or hua) and the un-Sinified (Barbarians or yi).
As we have seen, the un-Sinified—those barbarians who had not (yet) adopted Chinese habits of speech, dress, custom, and thought—were often likened to animals.
The Shanhai Jing (“Classic of Mountains and Seas”), written at the time of Christ but still quoted as late as the Qing dynasty, DESCRIBES A WESTERN PEOPLE WITH HUMAN FACES BUT THE BODIES OF SNAKES, and a southern people as having human bodies and faces, but birdlike wings and beaks.
The Ming Emperor Jiaqing was equally unflattering of non-Chinese peoples on the southern border: “The yi and di, like birds and beasts, are without human morality.”
The barbarians to the north fared no better in the view of Emperor Taizhong’s seventh century advisors:
“The Hsiung-nu [Xiongnu or Huns] with their human faces and animal hearts are not of our kind. . . . Their nature is such that they have no sense of gratitude or righteousness.”
Westerners, when they came, were portrayed in similarly demeaning terms.
At first, like most other “barbarians,” they were compared to animals.
Later, as their military and technological prowess became evident, they were promoted to the status of demons.
When this was reported to the local Communist Party Secretary, he excused their utterances, ironically enough, on the grounds “their cultural level is quite low.”
But such views had actually originated among Chinese whose “cultural level” was quite high—the mandarinate and even the emperors themselves—who of course set the tone for the entire civilization.
Unstated racism remains pervasive among the Chinese elite today.
They are generally “cultured” enough to avoid comparing people from other races or cultures to animals or beasts in mixed company—that is to say, when foreigners are present—but THE TRUE ATTITUDE OF CHINESE ELITES COMES THROUGH CLEARLY IN PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS AND SOME LITERARY WORKS.
They are generally “cultured” enough to avoid comparing people from other races or cultures to animals or beasts in mixed company—that is to say, when foreigners are present. But their true attitude of comes through clearly in private conversations and some literary works.
During the Tibetan unrest of 2008 the head of the Chinese Communist Party in Tibet called the Dalai Lama a “wolf with a human face and the heart of a beast.”
Another example comes from the popular 1997 The Spirit of the Fourth Generation, whose authors REFER TO THE JAPANESE AS “ECONOMIC ANIMALS,” THE “EASTERN HEROES” OF THE “WESTERN MATERIALISM” THAT IS INFERIOR TO “EASTERN HARMONY.”
“Racism is particularly difficult to reform,” explains Chinese historian Yang Lien-sheng in reference to his own culture, “the habit was formed in the early historical period of a society.”
(end of section
… …
(own comments, always some edits throughout):
Section 1: 231030
“China is currently engaged in total war with the United States of America across all domains.”
Perhaps We are getting too paranoid about China because likely it will soon surpass the USA as the world’s biggest economy.
Seems, after all, there are only a few countries aligned with China led by Russia, North Korea, and Iran, the rest of the world is aligned with the U.S.A. or is neutral.
My Facebook connection to “Mr. Li,” an economics professor at Xiamen University in China was recently blocked, hopefully he’s not off to jail.
There are two other professors Li still listed in the directory but not him, hopefully moved to a new job.
We were having good discussions about economics the last several months and some about politics recently.
Guess went over some forbidden line, some implied criticism of the Xi-CCP regime? thought was being careful.
Maybe there was some China censor check on my FB posts, many harshly critical of “XiChina.”
Maybe he got nervous thinking censors were watching and cut off on his own, probably will never know if he or zei blocked.
Imagine the U.S. and the entire Earth like one big XiChina, Big Brother always watching, controlling, and demanding worship.
Personally prefer to imagine the entire Earth like one big U.S.A. with democracy, prosperity, and freedom and government works for the people not the people work for the government.
Section 2 231102
“That it was the ‘peace’ of a police state matters less to the China chauvinists than it put an end to centuries of conflict by incorporating ‘All Under Heaven’ (tianxia) into a single tightly controlled polity.”
“The true end of history, the China elites say, will only arrive when China ushers in the World of Great Harmony, when all the world lies supine under the benevolent direction of the CCP-led Chinese party-state.”
Mao and his followers embraced communism not because it promised Utopia for All, but rather it promised the realization of a worldwide China-imposed Confucious-proposed All blanketed over and carpeted-down Great Harmony.
(Byrds/Dylan song It’s All Over Now Baby (蛇) Blue)
Section 3: 231106
(Wonder if this book is available in China.)
“Deng Xiaoping’s “second revolution” was launched precisely because Maoism failed to restore national greatness.”
In 1978 Deng started introducing capitalism in China for the purpose of strengthening the hold of the China Communist Party (CCP), not to increase living standards of the masses which have been necessary but conditional, incidental, and coincidental.
Deng and current CCP knew and know Mao’s socialism-total-misery politburo-control goals were right but his Bolshevism full-speed ahead method was wrong.
Deng’s go-slow to successfully achieve communism using Menshevism plan and path of must first strengthen with capitalism is now being followed and has been effective.
We and They know worldwide yearly economic growth should be at least 10%.
Even with recent 5% growth China’s growth it is half of wHAT China’s should be and one tenth All other countries should be.
Per the below the CCP actual end goal be “communism” (useful tool but not real ideal) tyranny of misery.
Both China and America are holding We back from tHAT freedom heaven and moving us on a track toward zat kingdom hell.
Per HATomic philosophy reality the China Communist Party (CCP) and oll 5% shapeless-forms mafia quarks everywhere take advantage of and keep people down and under control.
Tyranny happens when the 5% mafia are by-dem-employed and allowed to rise to the top and gain control.
Zat happens when dem sad-Omrondle negative 47.5% misery-wuvvers (enjoy complaining more than gaining, want dearth for Earth) defeat standing-around positive 47.5% happy-lovers.
Sadly and badly, there be two levels of positives’ adaption and response to living under tyranny:
1-be compliant to stay alive and out of prison and able to savor whatever freedoms are allocated out
2-to cope and get on with life since cannot (build up the will to) fight the tyranny find ways to in mind to justify and even love and promote the tyranny, a sort of positives’ delusion “even bad guys must be good guys” Stockholm Syndrome
The 47.5% positive happy-lovers of China should be ashamed of themselves, meekly putting up with a dictatorship zat throws people in prison simply for speaking their mind.
The criminal illegitimate government CCP mafia’s “Democracy cannot work in huge China because it would create instability” We and They see and know just be a nonsense argument and ruse used for justification to maintain rule by a 5% shapeless-forms gang and to throw people in jail just for their criticism of the CCP and calling for an improved, freedom and happy-maximizing polity.
If democracy and freedom can work in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and elsewhere throughout Asia it can work in larger China, simply give most power to the individual states as We do in the U.S.
During tHAT needed coming revolution if done wrong the current CCP politburo dictators will try but will not be able to kill off All of We positives half of the population, but unfortunately thousands might have to die as martyrs.
This would be a small sacrifice compared to the millions of Chinese starved to death by the Reds.
But if done right should be zero We deaths.
Those 47.5% who don’t join the revolution won’t because zei are content and satisfied, and We know why: zei crave and relish misery.
As zat is the 5% mafia shapeless-forms plus the 47.5% misery wuvvers (we’re united victims and victimizers) = 52.5% majority.
But current shapeless-forms mafia should not be physically attacked and finished by the positives, we must be friends with shapeless-forms.
After zei resign dem to be given comfortable amnesty, then the next-generation shapeless-forms, because We be dominant and considerate, will slide to our side to survive and thrive.
We and They see and know now-sick China be key, the outcome of Earth as hell or heaven may hang on the actions of one certain 陽 sun person there.
China’s positives must be free not bleed, need to gather All tHAT love’s sweet plan and then We will All go together.
Finally, We, They-started, Gótt-empowered, Satan-suspended, center-point ever-rebalanced toward more mirth, first create New Earth here and then go out there with tHAT and intergalactic travel-turn through universe stars.
(The Byrds songs Change Is Now, Wild Mountain Thyme, 8 Miles High, CTA-102, Space Odyssey)
… …
Section 4: 231109
“It would be a mistake to write off North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong Un as criminally insane.”
Actually Kim be fully sane and busy carrying out his XiChina-assigned mission of completely blanketing over and carpeting down “communist” misery-tyranny on North Korea – creating zeir baneful model to be per plan soon expanded over U.S. and world under XiChina baquan hegemon.
Per HATomic philosophy and universe reality 47.5% of us everywhere are electron negatives, 47.5% are proton positives, and 5% are quark shapeless-forms.
It's becoming ever-more plain to see although dem 47.5% U.S. socialists are currently only demi-commies, zei be natural potential latent nascent 100% full-commies.
If dem had total government and social control, as zeir brethren negatives + shapeless forms mafia do in Kim-North Korea, the U.S. would be a totally poisoned communist prison country like KNK.
Dem socialist Marxist negative misery-wuvvers (we’re united victims and victimizers) know the fatal flaw weakness of us 47.5% Real Republican positive happy-lovers: We predictably keep thinking “everybody fundamentally wants happy, everything will be fine, so go along to get along.”
But things zat seem to be solid are not.
Once We accept the HATomic philosophy reality dem dem-commie negatives actually, consciously and/or subconsciously, want misery not happy then All We be free and energized to act and (physically peacefully) attack dem socialist guys.
In dem negatives socialists’ minds zeir major failure has been zei have failed to cement zeir dead old world Marxist socialism/misery government-punish-All somewhere then finally spread everywhere around globe.
But, omen now recalling, We and They and you see and know there in fact be a somewhere here and now: Kim-North Korea.
Dem demi-commie negative misery-wuvving socialists know zei need not try to force full Marxism/ socialism here, zei only need to distract, soften, weaken, corrupt, bankrupt, rot, strip souls and hollow out minds of Americans.
Then, with We woken and broken XiChina will be invited by dem and allowed to catch and pass us and then subdue and undo kowtowing U.S. and All us.
Deng Xiaoping and fellow Old China politburo mafia in the 1970s realized his ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dictatorship must fortify itself, strengthen its grip and establish a strong base before it can attack and blanket itself fully over China, and then project zat oll over and finish the U.S. and then carpet down All.
Monopolist quark shapeless-form mafioso Deng wanted to strengthen China’s economy not to improve the welfare of the Chinese people, which had to happen incidentally, but rather to increase the power and hold of the CCP.
The current Xi-CCP now knows improving the welfare of the Chinese people helps only up to a point, per Menshevism theory, so now be the time to quickly proceed with “communism” (tyranny of misery) spread.
China’s still mostly standing-around New worlder 47.5% positive happy-lovers are awakening and demanding more freedom and less kingdom.
But the CCP’s China in-command dead Old worlder 47.5% negative misery-wuvver-laughers-omrondles enablers know the best defense be Xi's offense.
China’s negatives demand more CCP-supplied freedom-denied misery and zat anti-tHAT tyranny strengthened there and finally spread to here and everywhere.
Then, down-looking king of XiChina teamed with dem U.S. corrupting bankrupting negative socialists, without a fight can easily take U.S. and All positives down with dem to zeir final pernicious delicious dream goal: imposition of the adored, protected, and coddled communist model Kim-North Korea on U.S. and the rest.
In Kim-North Korea zeir own misery-wuvver 47.5% negatives + 5% quark shapeless-form mafias have overpowered, subsumed and doomed zeir our-side 47.5% positives and assumed total control with All We people-in-prison with dem, with full misery-equity Marxism-socialism, blanketed-over and carpeted-down.
Then soon, like now in Kim-North Korea, oll dem compliant 47.5% negatives will become jealous of All We 47.5% positive happy-lovers who have been locked up in completely miserable fenced-in hard prison camps, where We All can be expertly tortured and laughingly and slowly starved to death.
The completely miserable hard prison camps being much more miserable than dems’ own incompletely miserable country-wide soft prison, seeking full misery eventually oll dem 47.5% misery-wuvvers one by one intentionally break one of the dictators' strict dictates, e.g. "always cower and never dare to question the Party’s power and political agenda propaganda," to be able to get into with We the completely-miserable All starving-to-death torture camps.
Then, as We and They have seen out there in universe and know by zei-planned soon here, thereafter the 5% shapeless-forms mafia politburo still residing outside the starvation camps then soon turn on each other and demselves.
Each of dem endeavors to prove he/she/zei be the most misery-wuvving and zei too break rules and thereby are corralled into the camps, willingly dooming selves to withering demselves to death.
Finally only one entity remains outside looking in and down.
Zeir revered and our reviled only one top true hebi-blue core quark no-longer-hidden shapeless-form misery-wuvver laughing-with-delight downlooking evil king devil is revealed, seen remaining on stage standing over oll: nuckelavee Satan.
“Ha! Now just must finish up by barrenizing Earth and leave only windswept dust, oll zei and I have won. All them We have flailed and failed again, hey They! please return to see."
But, per Hence All Terr, there Be Y RoaDS.
Sorry to oll dem 47.5% socialists and 5% shapeless forms in U.N., U.S., China, North Korea and everywhere, you will not win.
In-there people of the dawn Schöpfer HATrs drunk with fire will soon sing verse and with fun turn round squares.
Oll Zat will be undone and done and it, tHAT, will be All over now 蛇 blue.
Your adored dour downlooking king-wuvver Satan by We, They, Schaffner
Gòtt, and Real Republican schöpfers will be got, defeated, sunk, upended, suspended, ended and walked out the door.
Fundamentally, oll negatives want We to be doomed and consumed by misery like dem, All positives want dem to be happy like We.
So, finally, naturally, We will ascend to victory because if zei are happy with misery zei will be miserable with happy.
Then as friends and red/blue purple people we’ll All go together across heather.
Stranger than now known would be good.
All of tHAT above be intended for We positives who must end in-mire wend, be drunk with fire, and win.
We need to change now and champion tHAT.
For dem negatives everything’s more of the same: please Gòtt by pleasing Satan.
Oll dem need not read and must not agree with All the above love’s sweet plan, zeir duty be to doff, scoff, and ramp and fire We up.
(Byrds songs Thoughts and Words, wHAT's Happening?!?!, Change Is Now, It’s All Over Now Baby Blue, 8 Miles High, All I Really Want To Do, Wild Mountain Thyme, Mr. Spaceman, 5D, I See You, CTA-102, Space Odyssey, and Don McLean's American Pie)
Update on Mr. Li, the economist in China who was talking with on Facebook over several months then suddenly self-blocked or was blocked by “XiChina” (Xi and CCP ruled China) censors.
Still no contact.
But after all probably better:
Had been self-censoring, toning down, comments about XiChina on Facebook for a while hoping to improve chances of being able to continue discussion with him.
Have been inspired to dig deeper into and more fully study and expose and reveal the misdeeds and evil intentions of Xi-CCP-China.
Section 5: 231113
“Even today China still seems to classify her ‘neighbors’ into one of two categories: tributary states that acknowledge her hegemony or enemies.”
“Present-day Beijing does not desire equality in external affairs, but deference, for it governs not a nation-state but an all-encompassing civilization.”
Wonder if President Biden knows, understands, and agrees with All and oll this going into his upcoming meeting with China’s president Xi Jinping.
Am certain Secretary of State Blinken does, but is he is inclined to assist or to resist.
The weakened but still-positives-dominated U.S. and West wants democracy, prosperity, freedom and government works for the people for China, wut does negatives-dominated XiChina want for us?
Hopefully no our-side smiles while shaking hands with Xi.
… …
Section 6 231120M
“Deluded by their own myths, Chinese overlords on several occasions severely underestimated the strength of an enemy or provoked one into attacking.”
Dem hebi-blue negative misery-wuvvers (we’re united victims and victimizers):
· enjoy feeling sorry for themselves
· enjoy being felt sorry for by others
· enjoy feeling sorry for others
· enjoy duping and forcing misery-wuv on the other side living positive happy-lovers, hoping zeir brain-deadening brainwashing will induce All We to stand around, bow down, give in, and join dem
The socialist philosophy be built on jealousy, negativity and misery-wuv.
Zeir first step toward institution of full-misery communism is corrupt and bankrupt current free positive happy society.
Next step is to invite in Xi-CCP-China’s 5% shapeless forms to join our own to institute the misery-wuvvers’ desired mu norm.
Zeir final goal is We All be in final global Kim-North Korea-America prison.
Still no contact with “Mr. Li,” the economist I had spent a few months talking about economics and Chinese culture on Facebook and at the end touching on politics.
Suddenly he was blocked or self-blocked, seems he would have said “sorry, should stop” or similar before self-blocking.
Have never been to China, am thinking of making a trip there to see and report on wut’s going on under the glitter and gloss.
One stop would be Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, where Mr. Li works or used to in hope of saying hello to him.
During stay would make daily posts here on Facebook on findings, focusing on the oll-monitoring All-controlling surveillance system.
But before tHAT will send an email to the president of Xiamen University asking for a clarification of Mr. Li’s status.
Section 7 231122M
“Deluded by their own myths, Chinese overlords on several occasions severely underestimated the strength of an enemy or provoked one into attacking.”
Still no contact with “Mr. Li,” the economist I had spent a few months talking about economics and Chinese culture on Facebook and at the end touching on politics.
Suddenly he was blocked or self-blocked, seems he would have said “sorry, should stop” or similar before self-blocking.
Have never been to China, am thinking of making a trip there to see and report on wut’s going on under the glitter and gloss.
One stop would be Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, where Mr. Li works or used to in hope of saying hello to him.
During stay would make daily posts here on Facebook on findings, focusing on the oll-monitoring All-controlling surveillance system.
But before tHAT will send an email to the president of Xiamen University asking for a clarification of Mr. Li’s status.
If I can’t get through or don’t get an answer back I’ll contact one or more of the U.S. colleges Xiamen University is affiliated with.
Just found this (on 231122):
Professor Zhang Zongyi Appointed as XMU President
Today found out who the president of Xiamen University is – Zhang Zongyi.
Born 1964, twelve years younger than me.
Now must:
-study him including his writings (here as of 231129)
-study Xiamen University
-compose my email to him
-find his email address
Section 8 231129
“They [the modern Chinese elites] are generally “cultured” enough to avoid comparing people from other races or cultures to animals or beasts in mixed company, that is to say when foreigners are present. But their true attitude of comes through clearly in private conversations and some literary works.”
Racism exists everywhere even here in the melting pot U.S.
The best way to minimize then eliminate racism is with interracial marriage.
There are many intermarriages in the U.S. including with Chinese where they are celebrated, few in China where they are few and berated.
A vastly increased number of intermarriages will be a natural outcome of the complete worldwide freedom of travel and residency (as now within the U.S.) after tHAT happens.
We will no longer be held captive behind fences facing enforced by oll-knowing “elites.”
As it is now the U.S. is leading tHAT positive way and China is retreating zat opposite negative way.
(Bob Dylan’s original, All-verses Mr. Tambourine Man)
(note – in own opinion he got one word wrong, should be lazy sorrow not crazy sorrow)
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