Russia wants to keep at least some Ukraine territory, and Ukraine vows to not quit fighting until it regains all Ukrainian territory.

No room for peace discussions?
How about:
Both sides declare an end of hostilities armistice.
Russia to keep Crimea and the Ukraine east areas it now occupies, under a 20 year lease.
After 20 years internationally supervised elections to decide whether Russia or Ukraine will attain ownership of the Russia-occupied Ukrainian territories.
By then will likely be a moot point and not needed.
Until then Russia is suspended from the United Nations or at least suspended from the Security Council.
Ukraine immediately joins NATO.
Russia gas supplies resume.
Russia pays for damages to Ukraine from resumed gas exports profits.
Putin to be given amnesty.
Fundamentally it is no matter who owns or occupies the Ukrainian territories now occupied by Russia.
Eventually and ultimately, within 20 years, tHAT expanded renewed reinvigorated USA model – one language, one currency, free goods, people, and assets movement – will envelope the world.
Countries and divisions of countries, including the Russia-occupied parts of Ukraine, and Russia itself, will become (as if) U.S. states: friendly not violent competitors.
In the end Putin may be seen as one of the greatest HATrs-friends: the ultimate negative-side world-changing fire-inspirer.


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