Lynn Chu Facebook post September 27, 2023.
The way Democrats are stealing elections is by tagging and introducing false voter IDs onto voter rolls .
These are publicly available—though some election boards will stonewall parties or nonprofits they don’t like, to zero accountability.
And by proliferating mail-in or drop box ballots, which are almost totally unauditable and lacking in any rigorous way of verifying them as real.
Chain of custody records are not kept much and even if they were they’re too easy to fake and too hard to catch enough of to be conclusive to court of law standards, in which all is presumed well (innocent) till a high bar of sin is met.
Recounts are then irrelevant because you are just recounting false ballots.
Audits require knocking on doors to verify addresses and individual voters and exactly how they voted and who legitimately lives there.
This is grueling and expensive to do at the level needed to constitute “legal proof.” 
Some false ballots for ballot box stuffing by phony nonprofits are generated by analyzing voters who are registered, but don’t often vote.
Very easy with computers to do.
Others are just phony.
IDs and votes associated with them sifted in and out of the database at will, by unrecorded and undated or backdated purges, where you have corrupt Secretaries of State and other state officials, or simply inadequate data security measures.
Note also the natural human reaction to any questioning of an office’s integrity is to get one’s back up.
Some individuals will be unaware of the details of collusive fraud.
They will join in solidarity of corporate outrage.
And this is what we see, very little calm objectivity.
… …
Democrats think and say “cheating and theft are acceptable and commendable when protecting our democracy” (protecting the Democrat/Socialist party.)
Republicans cannot solve the problem because it’s unsolvable, unless by counter-cheating and theft, which the mainstream media would not let them get away with.
Democrats fear they’ll have to stop cheating and Republicans fear they’ll have to start cheating.


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