From America's Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything. Christopher Rufo. 2023. Kindle online sample. Section 5.
This book is entering the too much detail area here, in sum Marcuse was an anarchist (tear everything down and build back with communism) / Marxist (put everyone under politburo thumb and then in prison), so will discontinue…
Herbert Marcuse philosophy
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Herbert Marcuse's philosophy is characterized by a fusion of Marxist thought with critical theory, existentialism, and psychoanalysis.
His work focuses on analyzing and critiquing the nature of contemporary capitalist society and exploring possibilities for human liberation.
Here are some key philosophical themes and concepts associated with Herbert Marcuse:
Critical Theory and Marxism:
Marcuse was a prominent figure within the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory, which sought to develop a critical and interdisciplinary approach to understanding society, culture, and politics.
He integrated Marxist ideas into his analysis, but he also critically examined Marxism's traditional emphasis on economic factors and class struggle.
Repressive Society:
Marcuse argued advanced industrial societies, while providing material comfort and technological progress, also created a repressive environment that stifled human potential and freedom.
He believed capitalist societies used various mechanisms, including consumerism, mass media, and social conformity, to maintain social control and limit dissent.
One-Dimensional Society:
In "One-Dimensional Man," Marcuse introduced the concept of the "one-dimensional society."
He argued individuals in advanced industrial societies became "one-dimensional" in their thinking and behavior, conforming to the values and norms promoted by the dominant culture.
This conformity, he believed, prevented meaningful social change and critical thinking.
Technological Rationality:
Marcuse was critical of what he saw as the uncritical acceptance of technological rationality in contemporary society.
He believed the emphasis on efficiency and technological progress often served the interests of those in power rather than promoting genuine human freedom and well-being.
Psychoanalysis and Liberation:
Drawing on Freudian psychoanalysis, Marcuse explored the relationship between individual desire and social repression.
He argued a liberated society should allow for the free expression of individual desires and instincts, rather than repressing them.
Possibilities of Liberation:
Marcuse did not believe revolution in the traditional Marxist sense was the only path to liberation.
Instead, he saw the potential for transformation through a combination of intellectual critique, cultural change, and resistance to repressive forces.
He believed a more open and non-repressive society was possible if people could break free from the constraints of the one-dimensional culture.
Student Movements and Activism:
Marcuse's ideas gained prominence during the student movements and protests of the 1960s.
He was seen as a mentor and intellectual figure by many young activists who were challenging the status quo and advocating for social change.
In summary, Herbert Marcuse's philosophy was marked by his critical analysis of contemporary capitalist societies, his exploration of the repressive mechanisms at play, and his quest for possibilities of human liberation.
He emphasized the importance of critical thinking, resistance to conformity, and the need to create a society that allowed for the free expression of human potential and desires.
Marcuse's work continues to be influential in discussions of culture, society, and politics.
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(own comments)
Section 1: 230912
“Rufo uncovers the hidden history of left-wing intellectuals and activists who systematically took control of America’s institutions to undermine them from within.”
“The Soviet Union eventually collapsed and many Americans considered the question of left-wing revolution settled. Communism had been a disastrous failure everywhere it had been tried—Asia, Africa, Latin America.”
To demi-commie socialists socialism’s past success has been is zat always brings more misery.
To dem, socialism’s past failure has been it has not yet been able to blanket over, carpet down, cement and spread oll over Earth zeir deadhead negative anti-Gott/HAT on-top certain-other-wuvver’s misery rot.
Zei know zei don’t have to force takeover here by our own internal demi-cum- full-commies, just strengthen Xi-CCP-China and weaken U.S. enough to enable zeir external communists to do zat for dem.
We and They have seen and know socialists’ ramp-down "anti-racist" Marxist negationist plan be to:
-soften, bleed, corrupt and bankrupt American society and economy
-through cheating and treachery punish and drive down and out of power and into prison the Republican Happy-lovers “who deserve and will get zat”
-with empowered Xi-CCP-China’s and our own 5% shapeless forms leading and We bleeding bring on in America then everywhere zeir desired total misery-wuv worldwide socialist “force and enforce misery-equity” dystopia
But, sorry to oll you U.S. negative 47.5% of us hebi 蛇 blue socialists and 5% shapeless forms in U.S., China and everywhere… We positive 47.5% HATrs will soon turn round squares, win over most of the shapeless forms, and tHAT will be All over now hebi blue.
Your on-top adored dour downlooking king wuvver (Satan) will be doomed and walked to the door.
HAT’s All over now hebi blue, HAT’s All over now hebi blue, HAT’s All over now hebi blue.
Then, we’ll All go together.
(Byrds songs It’s All Over Now Baby Blue, Wild Mountain Thyme)
Section 2: 230914
“The disciples of New Left advanced the revolution through a process of relentless negation: it gnawed, chewed, smashed, and disintegrated the entire system of values that came before it.”
Dem leftists’ pernicious nonsense makes sense if We understand and accept tHAT positive-negative-quark HATomic philosophy tHAT includes half of people be negative misery-wuvvers, to who the more government-dependency with resulting poverty and misery and the more enjoying complaining (obscuring the fact zei actually want zat) about misery the better.
Dem hebi-blue negative misery-wuvvers (we’re united victims and victimizers):
· enjoy feeling sorry for themselves
· enjoy being felt sorry for by others
· enjoy feeling sorry for others
· enjoy duping and forcing misery-wuv on the other side living positive happy-lovers, hoping zeir brain-deadening brainwashing will induce All We to stand around, bow down, give in, and join dem
The socialist philosophy be built on jealousy, negativity and misery-wuv.
Zeir first step toward institution of full-misery communism is corrupt and bankrupt current free positive happy society.
Next step is to invite in Xi-CCP-China’s 5% shapeless forms to join our own to institute the misery-wuvvers’ desired mu 無 norm.
Zeir final goal is We All be in final global total Kim-North Korea model-America prison.
Section 3: 230919
‘Marcuse called for the negation of the existing society and the realization of utopia.”
“The only solution, Marcuse believed, was the Great Refusal: the complete disintegration of the existing society.”
Socialism = negation, tear-down, corrupt, bankrupt, and imprison dystopia, which be in reality wot past and current socialist are oll about.
Marxists actually want and expect a Stalin-U.S.S.R. and Mao-China model blue mu 無 communist society filled with gulags and chain gangs where We All are silenced and “re-educated” to accept and appreciate misery or be starved and eliminated.
We Real Republicans will soon be filled with inspirational fire, rise from zeir blue mire, turn round squares, then lead U.S. and All us to our out-there desired liberty and wealth and away from zeir in-here mire, poverty, and early death.
(own comments)
Section 4: 230921
“Capitalism had seduced the working class with its ‘supreme promise’ of ‘an ever-more-comfortable life for an ever-growing number of people.’”
“Modern man was condemned to ‘the hell of the Affluent Society’ through a soft, diffused capitalism totalitarianism.”
This be a negative take on “capitalism had resulted in a more comfortable (happy) life and a promise of an even more comfortable life.”
This reveals the actual feelings and intention of Marxists, zei think “people have to be made miserable before Marxism can blanket people and they can be made completely miserable.”
Marxism, socialism, communism (oll different words for the same thing) is negation: happy = misery, misery = happy.
“Marcuse gently introduced his ideal political form: the “educational dictatorship”—or rule by elites who can distinguish false from true consciousness and freedom from slavery.”
Elites = the 5% shapeless-forms: mafioso politburo and nomenklatura.
To dem being happy = slavery.
“Marcuse believed the only hope, was to unleash the destructive power of the slums and to hasten the collapse of the entire system.”
Zeir thought is: the solution is not to raise people out of the slums (make them happy) but instead to increase the power of and spread of slums over All of us (spread misery).
Section 5 – no comments
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