From article China's economy is sick and could infect the US. Michael Lee. August 21, 2023.
China's economic momentum is projected to continue slowing and could create bad news for American companies.
"China has been an important trading partner for the U.S., CHINA ACCOUNTS FOR 9% OF AMERICA’S EXPORTS," Erin Walsh, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation's Asian Studies Center, told Fox News Digital.
"The slowdown hurts large U.S. companies with considerable business in China and, in particular, the construction and manufacturing sectors."
Walsh's comments come as projections show China's economy is likely to miss its 5% growth target this year.
CHINA IS ALSO BATTLING A RECORD HIGH YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT RATE OF OVER 21% and a property market bubble that has already burst, according to a report from Reuters.
The slowdown has prompted Beijing to take action, with China surprising markets last week by cutting interest rates.
But economists have warned the cuts are likely not enough to make a meaningful difference, while others have warned deeper cuts risks depreciation of the Yuan.
"The stimulus measures, some believe, have not gone far enough."
China has also shifted its priorities away from economic growth, with some economists arguing Beijing has begun to favor policies centered around the military and national defense.
"A tepid response to the cratering housing market would indicate the top LEADERSHIP’S REDUCED EMPHASIS ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN FAVOR OF PRIORITIES LIKE NATIONAL SECURITY AND TECHNOLOGICAL SELF-SUFFICIENCY is more far-reaching than we anticipated," Gabriel Wildau, the managing director at consulting firm Teneo, told CNBC in an interview last week.
China's philosophy of total "ideological control" is also to blame for the problem, Walsh said, noting the country prioritizes power over growth.
"China is a communist country, every aspect of society is controlled," Wash said. "Since President Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, the noose has tightened every year.
The economy takes a back seat to regime stability."
The continued decline of China's economy can be traced to "political missteps," Walsh argued, pointing to the country's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
"The economy continues to be in decline, primarily because of political missteps," Walsh said.
Walsh argued there is little sign the momentum is turning in China's favor, a reality that could eventually lead to greater tensions within the country.
"With youth unemployment continuing to exceed 20-plus percent for another year, the housing market underwater, provincial and local debt increasing, a decline in foreign investment and a decrease in global purchasing from China, THE ECONOMY WILL CONTINUE TO ROLL DOWN THE HILL ALL AT THE SAME TIME GEOPOLITICAL TENSIONS RISE," Walsh said, adding the economic "headwinds" will increase "the pressure on President Xi Jinping."
"There is not only economic malaise, but social malaise," Walsh added.
Those issues will not be contained to China, Walsh said, warning that American companies who do a large amount of business with China should be looking to diversify.
"American businesses with large investments reliant on the Chinese economy for a significant amount of their revenue or companies that depend on China for a core part or parts of their supply chain need to be making plans now to diversify their markets.," Walsh said.
"THE BIGGEST RISKS AMERICAN COMPANIES FACE IS NOT THE CURRENT QUARTER OR NEXT QUARTER’S EARNINGS, BUT POSSIBLE WAR WITH TAIWAN and the realization and implementation of new and enhanced laws the CCP has rolled out that dramatically impact U.S. businesses."
But Walsh noted the U.S. economy is unlikely to take a large hit from the struggles of China long term, though other countries around the world will feel some of the pain.
"Overall, it will not be extensive pain for the U.S. as the largest and most resilient economy in the world," Walsh said.
But there are numerous countries who rely on trade with China.
Western Europe could be hit hard as there will certainly be contagion."
(end of article)
… …
"China is a communist country, every aspect of society is controlled," Wash said. "Since President Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, the noose has tightened every year. Xi’s top priority is total political and ideological control.
The economy takes a back seat to regime stability."
(always some edits…)
Oll this be magic and a dream for all dem negative socialists in the U.S. and rest.
Dem leftists’ pernicious nonsense makes sense if We understand and accept tHAT positive-negative-quark HATomic philosophy tHAT includes half of people be negative misery-wuvvers, to who the more government-dependency with resulting poverty and misery and the more enjoying complaining (obscuring the fact zei actually want zat) about misery the better.
Dem hebi-blue negative misery-wuvvers (we’re united victims and victimizers):
· enjoy feeling sorry for themselves
· enjoy being felt sorry for by others
· enjoy feeling sorry for others
· enjoy duping and forcing misery-wuv on the other side living positive happy-lovers, hoping zeir brain-deadening brainwashing will induce All We to stand around, bow down, give in, and join dem
The socialist philosophy is built on jealousy and negativity...
Per HATomic philosophy and universe reality 47.5% of us are electron negatives, 47.5% are proton positives, and 5% are quark shapeless-forms.
It's becoming ever-more plain to see although U.S. socialists are currently only demi-commies, zei be natural potential latent nascent 100% full-commies
If dem had total government and social control, as zeir brethren negatives + shapeless forms mafia do in Kim-North Korea, the U.S. would be a totally poisoned communist prison country like KNK.
Dem socialist Marxist negative misery-wuvvers know the fatal flaw weakness of us 47.5% positive happy-lovers be We predictably keep thinking “everybody fundamentally wants happy, everything will be okay, so go along to get along.”
But things zat seem to be solid are not.
Once We accept the HATomic philosophy reality dem commie negatives actually, consciously and/or subconsciously, want misery not happy All We be free and energized to act and attack dem socialist guys.
In dem negatives’ minds zeir major failure has been zei have failed to cement zeir dead old world Marxist socialism/misery government-punish-All somewhere then finally spread everywhere around Earth.
But, omen now recalling, We and They and you see and know there actually be a somewhere here and now: Kim-North Korea.
Dem demi-commie negative misery-wuvving socialists know zei needn’t try to force full Marxism/ socialism here, only need to distract, soften, weaken, corrupt, bankrupt and hollow America out.
With We woke and broke XiChina will be invited and allowed to catch and pass us and then subdue and undo U.S. and All us.
Deng Xiaoping and fellow Old China politburo mafia in the 1970s realized his ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dictatorship must fortify itself, strengthen its grip and establish a strong base before it can attack, blanket itself fully over China, and then project zat oll over the U.S. and then All.
Monopolist quark shapeless-form Deng wanted to strengthen China’s economy not to improve the welfare of the Chinese people, which had to happen incidentally, but rather to increase the power and hold of the CCP.
The current Xi-CCP now knows improving the welfare of the Chinese people helps only up to a point, so now be the time to quickly proceed.
China’s still mostly standing-around living New world 47.5% positive happy-lovers are beginning to awaken and demand more freedom and less kingdom.
But the CCP’s China in-command dead Old world 47.5% negative misery-wuvver-laughers-Omrondles enablers know the best defense be Xi's offense.
China’s negatives demand more CCP-supplied freedom-denied misery and anti-HAT zat strengthened there and finally spread to here and everywhere.
Then, down-looking king Xi-China teamed with U.S. own corrupting bankrupting negatives, without a fight can easily take U.S. and All positives down with dem to zeir final pernicious delicious dream goal: the adored, protected, and coddled communist model Kim-North Korea.
In Kim-North Korea zeir own misery-wuvver 47.5% negatives + 5% quark shapeless-form mafias have overpowered, subsumed and doomed their our-side 47.5% positives and achieved total control over All-people-in-prison, full misery-equity Marxism-socialism, blanketed-over and carpeted-down.
… …
Then soon, like now in Kim-North Korea, oll negatives will become jealous of All the 47.5% positive happy-lovers locked up in completely miserable fenced-in hard prison camps, where All can be expertly tortured and slowly starved to death.
The completely miserable camps being much more miserable than dem own incompletely miserable country-wide soft prison, seeking full misery eventually oll dem misery-wuvvers one by one break one of the strict rules, e.g. "never dare to question the Party’s political agenda propaganda," purposely to be able to get into the completely-miserable torture camps.
Then, as We and They have seen out there in universe and know soon here thereafter the 5% shapeless-forms mafia politburo still residing outside the camps then turn on each other and demselves.
Each endeavors to prove he/she/zei be the most misery-wuvving and zei too break rules and thereby are corralled into the camps, willingly dooming selves to starving demselves to death.
Finally only one thing remains outside looking in.
Zeir revered and our reviled only one true hebi-blue core quark no-longer-hidden shapeless-form misery-wuvver laughing-with-delight downlooking evil king devil is revealed and remains standing oll over: Satan.
“Now just must finish up by nuking the world and leave only windswept dust, zei and oll have won, They have failed once again, please return to see."
But, sorry to oll you 47.5% socialists and 5% shapeless forms in U.N., U.S., China, North Korea and everywhere, you will not win… in-there people of the dawn Schöpfer HATrs drunk with fire will soon turn round squares, tHAT will be All over now 蛇 blue, and your adored dour downlooking King-wuvver Satan will be by We, They and Schaffner Gott defeated, sunk, upended, suspended, ended and walked out the door.
Fundamentally, oll negatives want We to be in misery like dem, All positives want dem to be happy like We.
Finally, We will ascend to victory because if zei are happy with misery zei will be miserable with happy, then as friends and purple people we’ll All go together.
All of tHAT above be intended for We positives who must end in-mire wend and drunk with fire win.
We need to change and champion tHAT.
For dem negatives everything’s more of the same: please Gott by pleasing satan.
Oll dem need not read and must not agree, zeir duty be to doff, scoff, ramp up, and fire We up.
(Byrds songs Thoughts and Words, wHAT's Happening?!?!, It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue, CTA-102, Space Odyssey, and Don McLean's American Pie)


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