From A Brief History of the Cold War. John Hughes. 2019. Kindle online sample. Section 5.
Although Stalin did not invent the Communist Party’s repressive apparatus – once the Communists had seized control in 1917 the Bolsheviks’ fanatical secret policeman Dzerzhinsky had moved swiftly to exterminate any enemies of the Revolution – the NEW PARTY LEADER STALIN TRANSFORMED THE CHEKA SECRET POLICE INTO AN EVEN MORE BRUTAL ENFORCER OF HIS OWN PERSONAL POWER.
The midnight knock of the secret police became a very real terror for millions of Russians.
The Czar’s mild despotism seemed but a pale shadow of the Communists’ savage rule.
As Lenin had warned, Stalin turned out to be an iron-willed, ruthless opportunist.

Within four years Stalin had transformed the Party’s bureaucracy into his personal power base.
From this controlling position he ensured the old dream of World Revolution would remain just that, and one by one he ousted all his Communist Party rivals.
His enemies died or fled to be hunted down by the assassination squads of the Cheka, including Trotsky in Mexico.

The price paid for this seizure of power was as bloody as any exacted by a despotic Roman emperor, as the self-made Georgian cobbler’s son imposed his own personality on his stolen fiefdom.
Within the new socialist-communist Russia, secret police and informers abounded.
Stalin’s Party reigned supreme, the courts were rigged, and troublesome political RIVALS AND CRITICS WERE SILENCED BY THE EXECUTIONER’S BULLET OR CONSIGNED TO THE SLAVE LABOR CAMP.
Terror, purges and fear ruled Russia under Stalin, and all roads led back to the Russian leader’s personal cruelty, suspicion and paranoia.
He once famously said, ‘If you have a man who is a problem, kill the man then
no problem.’

From 1929 to 1953, for nearly a quarter of a century, Stalin was the cold-blooded, ruthless, unscrupulous tyrant who directed and personally shaped every aspect of life in the Soviet Union and, more importantly, its relationships abroad.
The result was it was Stalin and Stalin alone who effectively decided Russia’s policies towards the west.

Stalin truly was the ‘continuity man’ of the Cold War and, in many ways, its chief architect.
The results of such personal paranoia at the top of a single party dictatorship were only too predictable.
A generation of Soviet diplomats from 1925 to 1970 echoed the Great Leader’s prejudices.
His secret services spied on everything and everybody.
For Stalin, the key to survival was intelligence on every possible threat at home and abroad.
Stalin lived by intelligence on friend and enemy alike.

Stalin had, very early in his struggle for power among the post-Revolutionary Bolsheviks, learned to try and see his adversaries’ hands.
Internal spying on and telephone tapping of Kremlin ‘colleagues’ in the 1920s seamlessly became part of the USSR’s foreign policies as well.
As a matter of routine ALL FOREIGN EMBASSIES WERE BUGGED, DIPLOMATS SUBORNED [BRIBED AND INTIMIDATED], SECRET DOCUMENTS STOLEN and military secrets pursued on a scale never before seen.
Stalin badly needed to know exactly what transpired between Churchill and Roosevelt when they met, so their agents abroad were directed to find out at all costs.
His highly authoritarian style produced excellent results.
With such a personality at the helm, and with such a heritage of conspiracy to guide him, IT IS LITTLE WONDER SOVIET RUSSIA’S INTELLIGENCE NET WAS WORLDWIDE.
Communism had to spy anywhere and everywhere to survive and thrive.
(end of section 5)
… …

(own comments)
Section 1 230619
“The Cold War did not only deform lives, it deformed whole societies, as well as costing a fortune.”
Substantially lowering taxes and allowing imports to freely come into the U.S., as with among U.S. states, would enrich Americans so much other countries would soon follow our model.
THAT Libertarian Real Republican dominance would force less federal dependence and power and more state independence and power.
THAT independence would induce All countries to follow and join in the U.S.A.-led All countries reformation into the U.S. of World.
Since All countries would be like post-HATrs’ turn round squares reformed U.S. states there would be no more felt need to spend a fortune on militaries.
Certainty having defeated doubt, general interests having defeated special interests, instability of justice having defeated stability of injustice, positive happy having defeated negative misery, with reformed lives and societies We’ll All go together to becoming in-there millionaires and billionaires, and will have plenty of money to spread tHAT verse throughout universe.
(Byrds song Wild Mountain Thyme)

Section 2 230622
“The Russian Communists’ war against the bourgeoisie and the rest of the world really began on that first day of their revolution.”
“It was the Cheka secret police who set up the first camps of what became known as the Gulag on Solovetsky Island as early as 1922.
The Russian revolution was consummated by communists in name only, but rather actually by the 5% shapeless-form mafia and supporting 47.5% negative misery-wuvvers (we’re united victims and victimizers).
The 47.5% positive happy-lovers are the third of three sections present in all populations of Russia, U.S. and all countries, past, present, and future.
When the positives dominate happy increases, when the negatives dominate misery increases.
Section 3 230626
“Lenin believed he was fully authorized by his own secular faith – Marxism – to use any means possible to bring about a socialist Utopia. Individual freedom, free trade, open markets and self-determination were the last things Lenin and his Party wanted to see.”
“The left in the west was a very soft target for communist Russia’s message.”
As increasing leftism/socialism in U.S. and western countries weakens, Xi-China strengthens.
Then Communism actual goal of worldwide total misery-wuv dystopia under control of zeir Xi-politburo to become reality, welcomed by half of people here and everywhere.

Section 4 230628
“Stalin’s ‘refusenik’ political prisoners were either worked to death or shot.”
“The midnight knock of the secret police became a very real terror for millions of Russians.”
Zat (opposite of HAT) be wut half of people, the negatives, actually finally want: pure misery.
Otherwise zat could never happen.
Zat has happened in North Korea, is now happening in stages in China, Cuba, Russia, and Nicaragua, and could easily happen to We in the U.S who stand in the way of institution of worldwide final stage pure misery.
But, fortunately our positive HATrs have begun to turn round squares and now wHAT’s Happening.
(Byrd’s song What’s Happening?!?!)

Section 5 230629
“Stalin’s Party reigned supreme, the courts were rigged, and troublesome political rivals and critics were silenced by the executioner’s bullet or consigned to the slave labor camp.”
It is not the fault of the 47.5% negatives and 5% shapeless forms, together the misery-wuvvers (we’re united victims and victimizers), when total misery crushes us down.
Rather, it is the fault of the 47.5% positive happy-lovers who instead of being fired up are mired down.
Communist total misery finally failed in the USSR because their positive happy-lovers were inspired and assisted by positives in the U.S. and other countries of the West.
Dem now know total misery can only be implemented and cemented if it is quickly spread everywhere from a strong base and there is no outside inspiration nor place to escape to.

Deng Xiaoping and fellow Old China politburo mafia in the 1970s realized his ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dictatorship must fortify itself, strengthen its grip, and establish a strong base before it can attack, blanket itself fully over China, and then project zat oll over the U.S. and then world.
Monopolist quark shapeless-form Deng wanted to strengthen China’s economy not to improve the welfare of the Chinese people but rather to increase the power and hold of the CCP.
The current Xi-CCP now knows improving the welfare of the Chinese people works only up to a point, so now be the time to quickly proceed.
China’s still mostly standing-around living New world 47.5% positive happy-lovers are beginning to awaken and demand more freedom and less kingdom.
But the CCP’s China in-command dead Old world 47.5% negative misery-wuvver-laughers-Omrondles supporters know the best defense be Xi's offense.
China’s negatives demand more CCP-supplied freedom-denied misery and anti-HAT zat strengthened there and finally spread to here and everywhere.
Then, down-looking king Xi-China teamed with our own corrupting bankrupting negatives, without a fight, can easily take U.S. and All positives down with dem to zeir final pernicious delicious dream goal: the adored, protected, and coddled communist model Kim-North Korea.
In Kim-North Korea zeir own misery-wuvver 47.5% negatives + 5% quark shapeless-form mafias have overpowered, subsumed and doomed their our-side 47.5% positives and achieved total control over All-people-in-prison, full misery-equity Marxism-socialism, blanketed-over and carpeted-down.
… …
Then soon, like now in Dem-Kim-North Korea, oll negatives will become jealous of All the 47.5% positive happy-lovers locked up in completely miserable fenced-in hard prison camps, where All can be expertly tortured and slowly starved to death.
The completely miserable camps being much more miserable than Dems’ incompletely miserable country-wide soft prison, seeking full misery eventually oll dem misery-wuvvers one by one break one of the strict rules, e.g. "never dare to question the Party political agenda propaganda," purposely to get into the torture camps.
Then, as We and They have seen out there in space and know worldwide soon after the 5% shapeless-forms mafia politburo still remaining outside the camps then turn on each other and themselves.
Each longs to prove he/she be the most misery-wuvving and zei too break rules and zei too are admitted to the camps, doomed and starve themselves to death.

Finally only one being remains outside looking in.
Zeir revered and our reviled only one true blue core quark no-longer-hidden shapeless-form misery-wuvver laughing-with-delight downlooking king devil is revealed and remains standing alone: Satan.
“Now I just need to finish up by nuking the world and leave only windswept rocks, zei and I have won, They have failed once again, please come and see."

But, sorry to oll you 47.5% socialists and 5% shapeless forms in U.N., U.S., China, North Korea and everywhere, you will not win… in-there people of the dawn Schöpfer HATrs drunk with fire will soon turn round squares, tHAT will be All over now 蛇 blue, and your adored dour downlooking King-wuvver satan will be by We, They and Schaffner Gott defeated, sunk, upended, suspended, ended and walked out the door.
Fundamentally, oll negatives want We to be miserable like dem, All positives want dem to be happy like We.
Finally, We will ascend to victory because if zei are happy with misery zei will be miserable with happy, as friends and purple people we’ll All go together.
All of tHAT above be intended for Real Republicans who must end in-mire wend and drunk with fire win.
Republicans need to change and champion tHAT.
For dem everything’s more of the same: please Gott by pleasing satan.
Oll dem need not read and must not agree, zeir duty be to doff, scoff, ramp up, and fire We up.
(Byrds songs Thoughts and Words, Change Is Now, It’s All Over Now Baby Blue, Eight Miles High, All I Really Want To Do, Wild Mountain Thyme, Mr. Spaceman, 5D, I See You, What's Happening?!?!, CTA-102, Space Odyssey, and Don McLean's American Pie)


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