From article Liz Cheney’s Plan To Divide The Republican Party Has Failed. Mollie Hemmingway. October 24, 2022.
Separating Republican officials from their growing coalition of voters and the issues they care about has been the D.C. establishment’s goal for years — but it’s not working.
Separating Republican officials from their growing coalition of voters and the issues they care about has been the Washington establishment’s goal for several years now.
THE “DIVIDE AND CONQUER” PLAN IS BEING RUN BY THE DEMOCRAT PARTY, ITS PROPAGANDA PRESS, AND FORMER LEADERS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY such as Liz Cheney, who see how the GOP’s new composition and approach has threatened or destroyed their hold on power.
The D.C. partnership has worked overtime to try to marginalize, demonize, and MAKE TOXIC THOSE REPUBLICANS WHO DON’T FOLLOW THE ESTABLISHMENT’S RULES for how supposedly good Republicans, like Mitt Romney, act.
They have been running the Jan. 6 show trial and warning Republicans in office to oppose many of the nominees that Republican voters selected during the primary season.
These Beltway denizens watched in horror in recent weeks as Republican leaders have done the opposite, descending on tight races throughout the country to help all Republican candidates, not just those viewed as non-threatening to the D.C. establishment.
Sens. Tim Scott, Tom Cotton, and Ted Cruz went to Ohio to help J.D. Vance in his bid to be the next senator of Ohio.
The worst thing for the anti-GOP effort was when Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin endorsed Kari Lake in her battle to become Arizona’s next governor.
Republican candidates aren’t toxic.
They’re even enjoying the support of former Democrats.
TULSI GABBARD ENDORSED PRO-TRUMP KARI LAKE, Gabbard is a former Democrat congresswoman, former candidate for the Democratic nomination for president, and former vice chair of the Democratic National Committee.
She has also endorsed Republican Blake Masters in his Senate race against Democrat Mark Kelly in Arizona, and Republican Don Bolduc in his Senate race against Democrat Maggie Hassan in New Hampshire.
It was too much for Democrat partisan Chuck Todd to take.
On Sunday Todd turned over a full third of his show to Liz Cheney, so they both could push DEMOCRATS’ 2022 CAMPAIGN MESSAGE REPUBLICANS ARE A “THREAT TO DEMOCRACY.”
Contesting election administration is a common practice.
But Democrats have tried to argue any and all questions about the 2020 election’s administration, and only that election’s administration, makes one an “election denier” and a “threat” to “democracy.”
TODD DESCRIBED REPUBLICANS CAMPAIGNING FOR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES AS PUTTING THEIR “PARTY OVER COUNTRY,” another childish phrase used against Republicans who oppose Democrats’ political goals.
Democrats who campaign for Joe Biden and John Fetterman, despite their radical positions and mental struggles, are not described by the propaganda press as putting “party over country.”
Liz Cheney has not condemned the Democrats’ attack on democracy years-long campaign and information operation to reject the legitimacy of the 2016 election, a campaign joined enthusiastically and to great effect by the entire Democrat Party and its corporate media.
(end of article)
… …
“On Sunday Chuck Todd turned over a full third of his show to Liz Cheney, so they both could push Democrats’ 2022 campaign message Republicans are a ‘threat to democracy.’”
When Democrats say (Real) Republicans are a threat to our democracy wut zei are thinking and mean is “Real Republicans are a threat to us Democrats.”
RINO Republicans won’t stop the Dems’ slide toward ever-more “government is the boss, savior, and overlord of everybody” socialism but Real Republicans will.
“Todd described Republicans campaigning for Republican candidates as putting their ‘party over country,’ another childish phrase used against Republicans who oppose Democrats’ political goals.”
Throughout the universe there be two opposing poles: negative and positive, Democrats and Republicans are continuing zeir and their natural slide toward opposite sides.
When entering politics Tulsi Gabbard was duped by Dems’ Marxist feigning “we feel sorry for and are for the little guy, rich successful big guys are the bad guys” propaganda and joined the Democratic Party.
Now she’s realizing she be a positive happy-lover not a negative misery-wuvver.
Dem 蛇 hebi-blue to-zat-other-wuvver-bowing niggle-howling negative misery-wuvvers (we’re united victims and victimizers):
· enjoy feeling sorry for themselves
· enjoy being felt sorry for by others
· enjoy feeling sorry for others
· enjoy duping and forcing misery-wuv on the other side living positive happy-lovers, hoping zeir brain-deadening brainwashing propaganda will induce us to stand around, stoop down, give in, and join dem
We and They see and know the Democratic Party core worn forlorn wrong-song strong political goal be shapeless-forms in control.
Dem demi-commies know zei don’t need to try to force full socialism here, only need to distract (e.g. “our greatest enemy is global warming”) soften, weaken, corrupt, and hollow out, allowing Xi-China to catch us and surpass U.S.
Down-looking king China then can easily take U.S. and All down with dem to final goal Kim-North Korea (where zeir own misery-wuvver 47.5% negatives + 5% quark shapeless-form mafias have achieved total control) optimal model full miserable socialism.
wHAT is the even-stronger tear down walls song plan of All the Republican Party? Yes.
(Dylan/Byrds songs The Times Are a-Changing and Mind Gardens)
Schöpfer Real Republican women:


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