Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed.

PART 5 Firm Behavior and the Organization of Industry

Chapter 15 of 36 Monopoly

Section 14 of 34

Figure 5 here

A monopoly firm does not have a supply curve.

We have analyzed the price in a monopoly market using the market demand curve and the firm's cost curves.

A supply curve tells us the quantity firms will supply at any given price.

This is true when analyzing competitive firms which are price takers and must accept the market price.

But a monopoly firm is a price maker not a price taker, it can decide what price to charge.

We cannot ask what quantity a monopoly firm would produce a certain price because the monopoly sets the quantity supplied and price.

This price and quantity point is where profit is maximized.

In Figure 5 this is at monopoly price and QMAX.

The shape and slope of the monopolist’s demand curve determines the shape and slope of the marginal revenue curve.

This in turn determines the monopolist's profit maximizing quantity and price.

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