Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed. PART 4 The Economics of the Public Sector Chapter 12 of 36 The Design of the Tax System Section 8 of 22 … Figure 2 – The Demographic and Fiscal Challenge Panel (a) shows the U.S. population age 65 and older as a percentage of the population age 20 to 64. Panel (b) shows government spending on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid as a percentage of GDP. The projection for future years assumes no change in current law. Unless changes in benefits are enacted · government spending on these programs will rise significantly · large tax increases will be required to pay for them … Long-term projections of the U.S. federal government's budget show as years go by the government will spend substantially more than it will receive in tax revenue. One reason for the rise in government spending is the elderly are a growing percentage of the overall population. They receive Social Security and Medicare bene...