
Showing posts from October, 2024
  Lynn Chu FB post: The Left seems to be trying to tell us quite frankly who they are. I hesitate to praise them for that glimmer of honesty in choosing a nobody as President and a Chinese asset as VP, since all the rest of them is lies and deceit. It’s like the surface allure of Satan. The one thing they are NOT is “liberal,” and it is precisely that word game that has formed their winning margins over the years since the fraud of the “evil” of the Red Scare of McCarthy, supposedly demonizing a group of people without proof of actual criminality. Except that McCarthy was quite right. There were communists infiltrating the government, and it was a security risk, and that is indeed how we “lost China” to Mao. Chiang Kai Shek and the nationalists were indeed a thousand times preferable to Mao—as the development of Taiwan later attested. That one error fostered by excessive communist influence inside our government is really responsible to some degree for the horrors later inflicted upon
  From article Dems can only escape Kamala Harris’ woeful record by censoring bad news of admin’s failures. Miranda Devine. September 29, 2024. Censorship is the only hope for increasingly desperate Democratic grandees as Kamala Harris flounders in swing states and among Hispanic voters against Donald Trump. HARRIS, THE VAPID CANDIDATE THEY INSTALLED AT THE LAST MINUTE, IS SHAPING UP TO BE EVEN LESS PALATABLE TO VOTERS THAN HER PREDECESSOR, JOE BIDEN. … Apart from her off-putting personality and inability to string together a coherent sentence, her biggest liability is the illegal migrant invasion. AS BIDEN’S DESIGNATED BORDER CZAR, HARRIS CANNOT EVADE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE IRREPARABLE DAMAGE ON HER WATCH, after 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens entered the country, including hundreds of thousands of criminals and terrorists. … She can’t pretend it wasn’t deliberate because there are too MANY VIDEO CLIPS ON SOCIAL MEDIA SHOWING HER PAST STATEMENTS OF SUPPORT FOR FAR-LEFT OPEN BO
  Long-Run Effects of Raising and Lowering Overall Tax Rate Do we want both all individuals and government to be much richer? Then we must substantially lower tax rates. … Democrats want to maximize current tax revenues. Attached Table 1 is a Democrats-preferred case model showing how the economy and tax revenues are affected by raising overall tax rate (taxes percent of GDP) from 40% to 50%. … Republicans want to maximize current and long-run economy growth, thereby maximizing future tax revenues. Table 2 is a Republicans-preferred case model showing how the economy and tax revenues are affected by lowering overall tax rate from 40% to 30%. In both cases annual government spending is per column C. … Raising overall tax rate is a lose-lose-lose: Per Table 1 in year 100, with 50% overall tax rate compared to what it would have been in year 100 with original 40% tax rate: · economy size is lower by 63% ($541 v $1,499) · per year tax revenue is lower by 53% ($270 v $580) · all years total
  Lynn Chu Favorites    ·  2 8 m    ·  The Left seems to be trying to tell us quite frankly who they are. I hesitate to praise them for that glimmer of honesty in choosing a nobody as President and a Chinese asset as VP, since all the rest of them is lies and deceit. It’s like the surface allure of Satan. Lynn Chu own comment: The one thing they are NOT is “liberal,” and it is precisely that word game that has formed their winning margins over the years since the fraud of the “evil” of the Red Scare of McCarthy. Supposedly demonizing a group of people  without proof of actual criminality—except that McCarthy was quite right. There were communists infiltrating the government, and it was a security risk, and that is indeed how we “lost China” to Mao. Chiang Kai Shek and the nationalists were indeed a thousand times preferable to Mao. As the development of Taiwan later attested. That one error fostered by excessive communist influence inside our government is really responsible to some de
  Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed. PART 3 Markets and Welfare Chapter 9 of 36 Application: International Trade Section 10 of 19 … The Isoland economics team used the most fundamental tools of analysis to arrive at their decision to recommend international trade · supply and demand · producer and consumer surplus · deadweight losses caused by taxes As always when evaluating the merits of international trade, their analysis shows · there are winners and losers when a nation opens itself up to trade · the winners’ gains exceed the losers’ losses … There are other benefits of trade beyond maximized economy efficiency and surplus, including: -Increased variety of goods, goods produced in various countries differ. -Lower costs from economies of scale. Some goods can be produced at low cost only if produced in large quantities. A firm in a small country cannot realize economies of scale if it can sell only in a small domestic market, but it can if it se
  Lynn Chu Favorites    ·     ·  The most annoying Democrat partisan line is their incessant assertion that Trump’s pro-private sector economic growth and tax reduction policies are “for the rich.” This is totally false. It is only true because the poor don’t pay taxes at all. Everyone benefits from tax reduction. And government doesn’t spend well so it is best for the private sector to make the contracts and do the spending in the economy, since they at least monitor what they’re spending. The US government is riddled with shocking waste, fraud and abuse, and it ought to have radically downsized 40 years ago. Instead it did the opposite, possibly due to the communist subversion of which McCarthy warned. He was truthful, and the release of the Venona decryption transcripts later showed that. Nixon’s spurt of bipartisanship with the Democratic Party’s hidden socialist agenda was a massive failure, producing only a huge albatross of government sinecures for the insecure and not particula
  Bought 29 Kindle books in September, mostly $2.13 on sale. Randomly come up on BookBub. Eventually read at least the first part of each one, about one every two days after supper. The best promote to happy hour book and read all the way through. Have found the writer's style not the topic is what makes a book a best.
  Greta should camp out in China.
  Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed. PART 3 Markets and Welfare Chapter 9 of 36 Application: International Trade Section 9 of 19 … The team of Isoland economists write a report for the new president: Dear Madame President After study and consideration, we have answers to your three questions about opening up free international trade in textiles. Question 1: If the government allows free trade in textiles, how will the price of textiles and the quantity of textiles sold in the domestic textile market be affected? Answer: After trade is allowed, the Isoland price of textiles will settle at the price prevailing around the world. If the world price is higher than the current domestic Isoland price · our domestic price will rise to the world price · the higher price will decrease the amount of textiles Isolandians consume · the higher price will increase the amount of textiles Isolandians produce     Because of the high