Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed. PART 4 The Economics of the Public Sector Chapter 10 of 36 E xternalities Section 8 of 18 … A potentially important type of positive externality is a “ technology spillover” This is the impact of one firm's research and production efforts on other firms' technological advances. Whenever a firm designs and builds a new design electric vehicle (EV) there is some chance it will develop some new technology. This new design EV may benefit not only this firm, but society as a whole, because the design will become part of society's common technological knowledge. … The new design has positive externalities for other producers in the economy. The government could attempt to maximize the benefit of this externality by subsidizing the production of EVs. Per Figure A, if the government paid firms a subsidy for each EV produced the...