From article This Asian-American success story applauds Supreme Court affirmative action ruling. Michelle Steele. June 30, 2023. Supreme Court affirmative action ruling proves American Dream is for all Americans. THERE IS NOTHING MORE UN-AMERICAN THAN TO BE LIMITED IN YOUR POTENTIAL BECAUSE OF YOUR ETHNIC BACKGROUND OR THE COLOR OF YOUR SKIN. The Supreme Court’s decision announced June 29, in the consolidated cases of Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. (SFFA) v. Harvard and University of North Carolina is a victory for the American Dream and students across the country. … For 40 years, American colleges and universities have stacked the deck against Asian Americans in the name of diversity. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race. That hasn’t stopped prominent colleges and universities from using race and ethnicity to deny admission to unfavored minorities. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION’S DISCRIMINATORY NATURE HAS BEEN DEEPLY IMPACTFUL TO THE APPROXIMATELY 22 M...
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Wages, Compensation, And Living Standards Have Greatly Improved In Recent Years … … First, watch this five-minute video, The Real Truth About the Economy: Have Wages Stagnated? … Mostly from article “What Democrats get wrong about the middle class” - James Pethokoukis, August 2015: Obamanomics and the modern Democratic party are constructed around this core economic claim: “America's three-decade, free-market experiment of tax cuts and deregulation was a failure for the middle class.” Democrats claim from Ronald Reagan through George W. Bush, the 1% got even richer, while the other 99% of us saw incomes stagnate. Stagnationists often point to U.S. Census Bureau data as proof the typical American family is little better off than when Reagan took office in 1981. … Economist Martin Feldstein recently pointed out: “Census data show real median incomes rose just 0.3% a year from the middle 1980s through 2013, or about 10% total. Th...
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From A Brief History of the Cold War. John Hughes. 2019. Kindle online sample. Section 5. Although Stalin did not invent the Communist Party’s repressive apparatus – once the Communists had seized control in 1917 the Bolsheviks’ fanatical secret policeman Dzerzhinsky had moved swiftly to exterminate any enemies of the Revolution – the NEW PARTY LEADER STALIN TRANSFORMED THE CHEKA SECRET POLICE INTO AN EVEN MORE BRUTAL ENFORCER OF HIS OWN PERSONAL POWER. The midnight knock of the secret police became a very real terror for millions of Russians. The Czar’s mild despotism seemed but a pale shadow of the Communists’ savage rule. As Lenin had warned, Stalin turned out to be an iron-willed, ruthless opportunist. … Within four years Stalin had transformed the Party’s bureaucracy into his personal power base. From this controlling position he ensured the old dream of World Revolution would remain just that, and one by one he ousted all his Communist Party rivals. Now securely at the Part...
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Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed. PART 10 Money and Prices in the Long Run Chapter 29 of 36 The Monetary System Section 12 of 23 … When a person deposits cash at bank into own checking account why isn't the cash destroyed to avoid an increase in the money supply? ChatGPT answer: When you deposit cash at a bank into your own checking account, the physical cash itself is not destroyed to avoid an increase in the money supply. Instead, the deposited cash is accounted for and becomes part of the bank's reserves, which affects the bank's ability to lend and create new money. … Banks operate on a fractional reserve system, which means they are required to hold a fraction of their deposits as reserves. This reserve requirement is set by regulatory authorities and varies by jurisdiction. The purpose of reserve requirements is to ensure banks maintain a certain level of liquidity [ability to quickly pay] and can meet customer demands for with...
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What was the philosophy of Martin Luther King Jr.? Chat GPT: Martin Luther King Jr. was a prominent civil rights activist and leader in the United States during the mid-20th century. His philosophy was deeply rooted in the principles of nonviolence, social justice, and equality. King drew inspiration from various sources, including his Christian faith, the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, and the American tradition of civil disobedience. … At the core of King's philosophy was the belief in the inherent dignity and worth of every human being. He advocated for the equal treatment of all individuals, regardless of their race, and fought against racial segregation and discrimination. King envisioned a society where people would be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. … King emphasized the power of nonviolent resistance as a means to achieve social change. He believed that love, compassion, and understanding were crucial in overcoming hatred and in...
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From A Brief History of the Cold War. John Hughes. 2019. Kindle online sample. Section 4. The recruiting of spies and informers was deeply entrenched in Russian thinking and had been part of the fabric of Russian life since the days of Ivan the Terrible, whose black-cowled Oprichniki (secret police) had terrorized Russia in a way not seen since the Inquisition had terrorized Spain. The ‘Special Office of the Czar’, SECRET POLICE, INFORMERS, SPIES AND FEAR OF ALL THINGS FOREIGN HAD ALL BEEN DEEPLY EMBEDDED IN RUSSIAN CULTURE LONG BEFORE STALIN took over the Communist Party on Lenin’s death in 1924. … This national xenophobia reinforced Stalin’s own personality and colored his thinking. It is no exaggeration to say Stalin’s suspicions of foreigners shaped the foreign policy of the USSR from the 1920s until his legacy at last faded in the 1970s. Russia’s Cold War against the west can even be simplistically described as Stalin’s Cold War, so closely did it mirror the dictator’s own v...
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Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed. PART 10 Money and Prices in the Long Run Chapter 29 of 36 The Monetary System Section 11 of 22 … Figure T1 here … Banks play a central role in the monetary system. The amount of money you hold includes both · currency, the paper and coin money you have in your wallet · demand deposits, the balance in your checking account Because of the demand deposits held in banks the behavior of banks can influence the quantity of demand deposits in the economy and therefore influence the money supply. Here we will look at how banks affect the money supply and how they complicate the Fed's job of controlling the money supply. … Imagine an economy where there are no banks and currency is the only form of money. Suppose the total economy currency quantity is $100, therefore the money supply is $100. Then, someone opens a bank, “First National Bank.” First National Bank is only a depository institution. It accepts deposits ...
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From article Mike Pence Pandering To D.C. Media Is Pathetic And Disqualifying. Mollie Hemingway. March 14, 2023. Any candidate who is playing footsie with the propaganda press, in an incomprehensible ploy to curry favor with them, disqualifies himself from contention. On Saturday night, former Vice President Mike Pence addressed the annual Gridiron Club dinner, a white-tie gathering of Beltway media and political insiders. PENCE TOOK THE OPPORTUNITY TO PRAISE THE D.C. MEDIA, ATTACK TUCKER CARLSON, AND CONDEMN DONALD TRUMP. … “History will hold Donald Trump accountable for Jan. 6,” Pence said. “Make no mistake about it: What happened that day was a disgrace, and it mocks decency to portray it in any other way,” Pence said of Tucker Carlson’s journalism, which is at odds with the official narrative. PENCE PRAISED THE CORPORATE MEDIA AS WELL, SAYING, “WE WERE ABLE TO STAY AT OUR POST IN PART BECAUSE YOU STAYED AT YOUR POST. The American people know what happened that day because you ...
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Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed. PART 10 Money and Prices in the Long Run Chapter 29 of 36 The Monetary System Section 10 of 22 … The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is comprised of · the seven members of the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) board of governors · five of the twelve Fed regional bank presidents At each FOMC meeting held every six weeks in D.C. all twelve Fed regional bank presidents attend but only five get to vote. The five with voting rights rotate among the twelve regional presidents. The president of the New York Fed always gets a vote, because · New York is the traditional financial center of the U.S. economy · all Fed purchases and sales of government bonds are conducted at the New York branch … The FOMC has the power to increase or decrease the number of dollars circulating in the economy. The Fed's primary tool of money supply control is the open-market operation, which is the purchase and sale of U.S. government bonds...