Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed. PART 9 The Real Economy in the Long Run Chapter 26 of 36 Saving, Investment, and the Financial System Section 9 of 25 … The financial system consists of various financial institutions that coordinate money flow between savers and borrowers. Financial institutions are grouped into two categories 1 · financial markets, direct finance, including the bond market and the stock market 2 · financial intermediaries, indirect finance: including banks and mutual funds … 2 · Financial intermediaries are financial institutions through which savers can make funds available to borrowers. The term intermediary reflects the role of these institutions positioned between savers and borrowers. Two of the most important financial intermediaries are banks and mutual funds. … Banks In the case of the owner of a small grocery store who wants to finance an expansion of his business his strategy is different than of large corporatio...
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From Rediscovering America - How the National Holidays Tell an Amazing Story about Who We Are. Scott Powell. 2022. Kindle online sample. Section 2. What does it mean to be an American? Although the answer for each will likely be different because subjectivity is shaped by unique experience and understanding, almost no one would refer to the United States as “just another nation.” The concept of “America” has always carried big and positive attributes. EVEN REPRESSIVE AND EVIL REGIMES INDIRECTLY PAY TRIBUTE TO AMERICA’S UNIQUE STATURE IN THE WORLD BY SINGLING OUT THE UNITED STATES above all other nations as the target of their greatest hatred and condemnation. … From the first settlers to today’s immigrants arriving at America’s shores and borders four hundred years later, THE MYTHIC SENSE OF AMERICA AS BEING A PLACE OF REFUGE AND SANCTUARY, A LAND OF SECOND CHANCES, RENEWAL, AND NEW BEGINNINGS, a place of unexplored frontiers with unlimited possibilities, has remained remarkably persis...
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Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed. PART 9 The Real Economy in the Long Run Chapter 26 of 36 Saving, Investment, and the Financial System Section 8 of 25 … Figure B here … The financial system consists of various financial institutions that coordinate money flow between savers and borrowers. Financial institutions are grouped into two categories 1 · financial markets, direct finance, including the bond market and the stock market 2 · financial intermediaries, indirect finance: including banks and mutual funds The two most important financial markets are · the bond market · the stock market … When reviewing the stock of any public corporation, you should focus on three numbers: price, dividend, price-earnings ratio. These numbers are widely reported on the internet. Figure B is data for Apple Inc. as of September 7, 2018 (180907) · $223.10 is the stock price on this date · 1.31% is current dividend payout to those who buy the stock at this pric...
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“China’s Communist Party went through a cycle of views on America, usually tied to Moscow’s party line. In the early 1930s, the party’s Central Committee issued circulars referring to America as an enemy and casting it in the role of Japan’s enabler. When Stalin switched gears in late 1935 and declared Fascism the greatest threat, Mao Zedong fell into line, calling for a united front with Chiang Kai-shek to counter the Japanese. Liu Shaoqi, one of China’s top Communists, even acknowledged the US was helping China against Japan. But as Stalin sought to make nice with Hitler, the party shifted again. In August 1939, Mao backed the Soviet Union’s nonaggression pact with Germany and accused Roosevelt of being no better than Hideki Tojo, the prime minister of Japan. The Communists accused America of plotting to hand China over to Japan. When Japan and the Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact in April 1941, Mao privately praised the accord because it meant Japan could devote more t...
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Increased Immigration Into The United States Is Good … Transcript below from video: People who move internationally are very often seeking economic opportunity. In 1889, a geographer named Georg Ravenstein wrote in his Laws of Migration, “Bad or oppressive laws, heavy taxation, an unattractive climate, uncongenial social surroundings, and even compulsion. All these have produced and are still producing currents of migration. But none of these currents can compare in volume with that which arises from the desire inherent in most men to better themselves in material respects.” … Ravenstein was writing during the Great Atlantic Migration, which began in the 1840s as huge numbers of Europeans relocated to the Americas. Between 1880 and 1910 alone, ABOUT 17 million Europeans arrived in the United States. The 19th century also saw a smaller, but still significant, number of Asian immigrants arrive in the US, mostly settling on the West Coast. Many of them c...
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From article Debt, Deficits, and Default in President Biden’s State of the Union. Romina Boccia, Cato. President Biden devoted quite a few lines in his State of the Union address to making various claims about deficits, debt, and the debt limit. Some of President’s Biden’s statements, with my comments: … “In the last two years, my administration cut the deficit by more than $1.7 trillion — the largest deficit reduction in American history.” This claim is untrue. DEFICITS DECLINED DUE TO COVID-19 EMERGENCY SPENDING WANING, NOT BECAUSE “THE ADMINISTRATION CUT THE DEFICIT.” President Biden is claiming victory over deficits when his administration’s policies significantly increased deficits for the next decade and beyond. … From the American Rescue Plan, to the infrastructure law, to new subsidies for a range of industries from clean energy and climate to semiconductor manufacturing, to student loan forgiveness, THE ADMINISTRATION HAS INCREASED DEFICITS BY SEVERAL TRILLIONS OF DOLLAR...