
Showing posts from September, 2024
  From article Tim Walz: Mao’s Missionary. Stephen B. Young. September 15, 2024: According to one of his students, during their 1995 trip to China, vice presidential candidate Tim Walz sought out copies of Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book to give to American friends. [Personal note, cannot find confirmation nor denial this happened. But do know Walz has a great affinity for Red China so am inclined to believe this claim]. … Anyone who, in 1995—two decades after the Great Helmsman’s death and the truth about his unconscionable tyranny over the Chinese people had become widely known—WANTED TO PASS ON COPIES OF THE LITTLE RED BOOK IS NOT INTELLECTUALLY FIT TO EXECUTE THE OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT under the Constitution of the United States. … For those who did not live through Mao’s Cultural Revolution or who don’t remember his Little Red Book, let me fill you in. I have a first edition of the Little Red Book from 1966 with Lin Biao’s introduction, purchased in Hong Kong. The book contains q
  Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed. PART 3 Markets and Welfare Chapter 9 of 36 Application: International Trade Section 1 of 20 … Chapter 9 Topics: The Determinants Of Trade The Equilibrium Without Trade The World Price and Comparative Advantage The Winners And Losers From Trade The Gains And Losses Of An Exporting Country Lie Gains And Losses Of An Importing Country The Effects Of A Tariff Import Quotas: Another Way To Restrict Trade The Lessons For Trade Policy Other Benefits Of International Trade Should The Winners From Free Trade Compensate The Losers? The Arguments For Restricting Trade The Jobs Argument The National Security Argument The Infant Industry Argument The Unfair Competition Argument The Protection As A Bargaining Chip Argument Offshore Outsourcing Trade Agreements And The World Trade Organization … … import quotas yunyū wariate 輸入割当
  Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed. PART 3 Markets and Welfare Chapter 8 of 36 Application: The Costs of Taxation Section 11 of 11 … Chapter 8 conclusion. One of the Ten Principles of Economics, #6: markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity. Here we have seen when government imposes taxes on buyers or sellers of a good · society loses some of the benefits of market efficiency · total consumer + supplier surplus loss exceeds the tax revenue gain Taxes impose costs on market participants not only because taxes transfer resources from those participants to the government but also because they alter incentives and distort market outcomes. Governments and economists attempt to design a tax system with the right balance between · lower taxes and bigger economy · higher taxes and more government services (end of Chapter 8 of 36) … … Congratulations! 8/36 = 22% of way to becoming a competent economist.
  Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5th Ed. PART 3 Markets and Welfare Chapter 8 of 36 Application: The Costs of Taxation Section 7 of 11 … Study of these three concepts help us determine how big government should be · supply and demand · elasticity · deadweight loss There is much debate because · the larger the taxation deadweight loss · the greater the cost of government · the larger the deadweight losses · the stronger the argument for leaner government and reduced taxation Consider the biggest tax in the U.S. economy: the federal tax on labor income, the three components being · income tax · Social Security tax · Medicare tax When these three labor taxes are added together the tax on the last, marginal dollar of labor income is about 40 percent. … Economists disagree on whether this 40 percent tax on labor income creates a small or large deadweight loss. This is because economists have two general, opposing views about the elasticity of labor supply.
  Picture 240815 Cooling off after exercise, weight at 165 pounds. Got to 160 pounds five years ago and have been bouncing between 157 and 168 since. Common sense ways to lose and keep off weight are eat right and light and get lots of exercise. Main exercise is walking, do 1~2 miles most days. Over career worked as a salesman in the steelmaking, fasteners, and auto manufacturing industries, lots of travel in U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Japan. Over the years have visited every U.S. city with a major league, MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, sports team except Sacramento, have gotten as close as Travis Air Force Base. Often traveled on Sundays, much time on the road so could not eat right and get enough exercise so got heavy, up to 200 lbs. Was on commission and made enough to retire early, eat right and light, get enough exercise, and now spending most time reading and writing. Our Wick branch goes back to the brother of owner of Wick House in Morristown New Jersey and on back to Staines England. Have

HAT Manifesto Part 1/3 - Rubric Cube - 240804 revision

  “The world we see that seems so insane is the result of a belief system that is not working. To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in our minds.” - William James “All experience has shown mankind are more disposed to suffer,while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” - Thomas Jefferson “Wherever good fortune enters, envy lays siege and attacks it. And when it departs, sorrow and repentance remain behind.” - Leonardo da Vinci “Struggle is the indispensable accompaniment of progress. If men were entirely social, man would stagnate. A certain alloy of individualism and competition is required to make the human species survive and grow. Without qualities of an unsocial kind men might have led an Arcadian shepherd life in complete harmony, contentment, and mutual love. But in that case all their talents would