Note: FB is great except for constant fear of unknowingly saying something wrong and suddenly being permanently suspended. Recently I was temporarily suspended for some unspecified reason and warned it might be permanent. At least for a while will post here comments that may be deemed not adherent to “community standards.” Review of Decades of Decadence: How Our Spoiled Elites Blew America's Inheritance of Liberty, Security, and Prosperity. Marco Rubio. 2023. Kindle online sample. From introduction: Thirty years of telling Americans they don’t need families, communities, or a shared history is destroying what made our country the envy of the world. While many Americans have worried about China, open borders, opioids, failing communities, and families in crisis, OUR ELITES HAVE TOLD US OUR DECLINE IS FINE BECAUSE IT’S NOT ONLY INEVITABLE, IT’S FOR THE BEST. Every part of our nation is now in decline, and it’s all connected. … In Decades of Decadence, MARCO RUBIO EXPOSES THE ELITES...