
Showing posts from March, 2024
  Bought another Kindle book today. BookBub emails me a list of 5~6 books on sale at Kindle every day, mostly $1.99. Eventually read at least the first part of each, the most well-written read all the way through.
  At nearby Munster Centennial Park today...
  Know someone who works at 3 Floyds brewery and distillery 1.3 miles from my house here in Munster. Walkable. Will study and try all their products. Opening a new taproom within a few months. 3FLOYDS.COM Home - 3 Floyds Brewing Revamped 3 Floyds taproom coming back to Munster ( Types of beers ChatGPT: Here's a breakdown of some popular types of beers, along with their characteristics: PALE ALE: Appearance: Pale to amber in color, often with a slight haze. Flavor Profile: Balanced maltiness and hop bitterness. Can exhibit fruity, floral, or citrusy hop aromas and flavors. Examples: American Pale Ale (APA), English Pale Ale. INDIA PALE ALE (IPA): Appearance: Pale to amber with varying degrees of clarity. Flavor Profile: Strong hop bitterness and aroma, with notes of citrus, pine, and floral. Malt presence is often subdued. Examples: American IPA, English IPA, Double IPA (DIPA). STOUT: Appearance: Dark brown to black, opaque. Flavor Profile: Roasted malt flavors such as cof...
  Lynn Chu: Important to listen to the first half of Mark Levin last night. Lays out what we students of the history of communism which is now here in America, completing its global mission to install Comintern control, already know. But finally explicit in the media. PODCASTS.APPLE.COM ‎Mark Levin Podcast: Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/28/24 on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Mark Levin Podcast, Ep Mark Levin Aud ( OWN COMMENT) About 50% of people everywhere are naturally, negatively, inclined to allow, if not directly push for, socialism = communism. In the U.S. these people are called "Democrats."
  The Best Trade Agreement Is For Completely Free Trade, Same As Within The U.S. First, watch this short video: Free Trade vs Protectionism … The U.S. should not focus on increasing U.S. exports but rather focus on increasing the total of exports plus imports. U.S. trade deficits (more imports than exports) are always balanced with the money coming back, largely through foreign investments in the U.S. which increases U.S. GDP and employment. Any lost current jobs caused by deficits are more than made up for by lower consumer prices and creation of new jobs including via foreign investment in new businesses in the U.S. … In 2020 the U.S.-Mexico-Canada-Agreement (USMCA) superseded the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), but the reasoning of the following discussion of NAFTA still applies. Mostly summarized from article “NAFTA 20 Years After - Neither Miracle nor Disaster”: Bill Clinton made NAFTA a cornerstone of his 199...
  From book “Babel, Around The World In 20 Languages” by Gaston Dorren: “The world’s 20 biggest languages, which are the subject of this book, are causing the decline of hundreds, even thousands of smaller ones.” "Among them, these 20 languages are the mother tongues of no less than half the population of the world. Take second-language speakers into account, and the numbers are much larger still. Again, the figures are debatable, but it’s safe to claim at least 75 per cent of people on this planet are able to communicate in one of the Babel Twenty. A less pertinent but more exact figure would be this: over 90 per cent of humankind live in countries where one or more of the twenty are routinely used by central government." 20 Vietnamese | 85 million 19 Korean | 85 million 18 Tamil | 90 million 17 Turkish | 90 million 16 Javanese | 95 million 15 Persian | 110 million 14 Punjabi | 125 million 13 Japanese | 130 million 12 Swahili | 135 million 11 German | 200 million 10 French |...
  Note: FB is great except for constant fear of unknowingly saying something wrong and suddenly being permanently suspended. Recently I was temporarily suspended for some unspecified reason and warned it might be permanent. At least for a while will post here comments that may be deemed not adherent to “community standards.” Review of Decades of Decadence: How Our Spoiled Elites Blew America's Inheritance of Liberty, Security, and Prosperity. Marco Rubio. 2023. Kindle online sample. From introduction: Thirty years of telling Americans they don’t need families, communities, or a shared history is destroying what made our country the envy of the world. While many Americans have worried about China, open borders, opioids, failing communities, and families in crisis, OUR ELITES HAVE TOLD US OUR DECLINE IS FINE BECAUSE IT’S NOT ONLY INEVITABLE, IT’S FOR THE BEST. Every part of our nation is now in decline, and it’s all connected. … In Decades of Decadence, MARCO RUBIO EXPOSES THE ELITES...