
Showing posts from February, 2022
Mostly summarized from Gregory Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, 5 th Ed. PART 5 Firm Behavior and the Organization of Industry Chapter 17 of 36 Oligopoly Section 1 of 25 … Chapter 17 – Oligopoly - Topics Markets With Only a Few Sellers A Duopoly Example Competition, Monopolies, and Cartels The Equilibrium for an Oligopoly How the Size of an Oligopoly Affects the Market Outcome The Economics of Cooperation Oligopolies As a Prisoners' Dilemma OPEC and the World Oil Market The Prisoners' Dilemma and the Welfare of Society Why People Sometimes Cooperate The Prisoners' Dilemma Tournament Public Policy Toward Oligopolies Restraint of Trade and the Antitrust Laws Public Price Fixing Controversies Over Antitrust Policy The Microsoft Case
  From Prisoners of Geography. Tim Marshall. 2015. Kindle online sample. Section 5. Covert support for the uprisings in eastern Ukraine was logistically simple and had the added benefit of deniability on the international stage. Barefaced lying in the great chamber of the UN Security Council is simple if your opponent does not have concrete proof of your actions and, more important, doesn’t want concrete proof in case he or she has to do something about it. Many politicians in the West breathed a sigh of relief and muttered quietly, “THANK GOODNESS UKRAINE ISN’T IN NATO OR WE WOULD HAVE HAD TO ACT.” … THE ANNEXATION OF CRIMEA SHOWED HOW RUSSIA IS PREPARED FOR MILITARY ACTION to defend what it sees as its interests in what it calls its “near abroad.” It took a rational gamble outside powers would not intervene and Crimea was “doable.” It is close to Russia, could be supplied across the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, and could rely on internal support from large sections of the popul...
  … always some edits… Novel story character Dean Smith’s Rubric Cube veracity and/or efficacy Hence All Terr hypothesis and HAT book summary. For later theater some key integral fantasies -> realities not here or unclear. This be always to done-and-gone under on-going editing, addition and revision. … Over time positive and negative are in balance in the universe, nature, and culture structure. Framework of atomic philosophy be positive-negative-quark personality types. Negative + quark moves dominant balance if positive becomes dormant. When positive becomes dominant quarks to survive slide to side with the positives and center balance slants toward tHAT. ... 1-About half of people positively see themselves and others as victors or potential ones. 2-These believe in individualism and freedom, divorced from government paternalism. 3-These want social friction, traction-action, uncovered and push All forward toward New universal non-conformity. 4-This p...
Logical and spiritual, literal with liturgical. Current Old and church bells-broken mainstream religions might seem non-efficacious. But these teach philosophy needn’t be nor should be completely nor even nearly logical and reasonable, as HAT might at first light seem to be. They preach wHATever we believe to be true is true, wHATever reality we believe to be real is really real, our faith is the faith, our church is tHAT church. Deism may be too true to be New, sterile not fertile. Music, art, love, faith, dreams, and religion teach and preach “unreasonable” passion emboldens action above reason and tHAT God is love. Odd and stranger than now known would be good. … … Book soundtrack, mostly Byrds and Bob Dylan songs: Thoughts and Words wHAT's Happening?!?! Change Is Now (Universal Mind Decoder) The Times Are A-Changin’ It's All Over Now Baby Blue I’ll Feel A Whole Lot Better Lady Friend … Why   John Riley Mr. Spaceman Mr. Tambourine Man ...